Saturday, December 28, 2019
About A Month Ago I Did Not Notice Anything Out Of The
About a month ago I did not notice anything out of the ordinary in my everyday life on the subject of gender. Yes, there have always been jokes about the women’s place being in the kitchen and men getting all sorts of privilege, but I never really thought too hard about it because it was never anything new. Once my attention was brought to this subject and I was told to delve deeper into the super weird societal gender norms, my eyes were opened to so many new and fairly disturbing occurrences. It was actually quite overwhelming. I did not know how to process everything and in a way my mind wanted to reject these happenings because it just seemed so sick and twisted, but I was accustomed to all of it and frankly, I did not want to be†¦show more content†¦A good friend of mine just barely had a baby less than a week ago and she is always telling me about how sick and tired she was of being so big and pregnant and she still had to do everything around the house becau se her husband would not help and definitely saw his job to work and her job to do housework and in the future raise the children almost on her own. Now I feel like I am on the other side of the spectrum when listening to her complaints because I think so progressively. For example, when she says this stuff, in my head I am saying, â€Å"*gasp* How could your husband not see that you need help and jump right in to pick up his weight at least while you are pregnant and can barely move in the first place. Does he not know that he is allowed to help you? Or does he not want to be made fun of by his buddies for folding your panties? *eyeroll*†She knows she needs help, but this society is so brainwashed that she does not feel okay with asking for help with the duties she has the sole responsibility to do. As my husband and I laid on our pathetic excuse for a couch watching one of those silly Scary Movie parodies I started to get really upset about the women in the movie. Th ey were all dressed in less than a PlayBoy Bunny and could not for the life of them understand anything. They just stood around making sexualShow MoreRelatedThe Ugly Young Age Of Age Essay1205 Words  | 5 PagesAbout a month ago I did not notice anything out of the ordinary in my everyday life on the subject of gender. Yes there have always been jokes about the women’s place being in the kitchen and men getting all sorts of privilege, but I never really thought too hard about it because it was never anything new. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
The Impact of Climate Change Upon Australia Essay
Executive Summary Illustrating the actual and potential impacts of climate change this paper seeks to dramatize the impacts climate change could have on Australia’s national security if action to cut carbon emissions is not taken. This paper recognizes that climate change, which can be defined as the gradual increase in temperature caused by the increased production of carbon dioxide, presents a fundamental national security challenge. This paper recognises that the Australian climate has increased significantly since 1910. Evidence is provided to suggest that Australia has a climate-sensitive economy, as the variations in climate and damage caused by extreme weather conditions produce significant social and economic costs. Climate†¦show more content†¦The majority of scientific evidence suggests that over the last century humans have begun to have a discernible influence on the worlds climate, causing it to warm. There is substantial evidence to indicate that significant global warming will occur during the 21st century. The purpose of this paper is to dramatize the impact climate change could have on Australian society if we are unprepared for it. In discussing the future of the planet, climate change, caused by increased abundances of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, has been a serious cause of concern. Several studies have suggested that climate change can lead to mass-fatality dis asters, international migration leading to tensions and conflict, resource shortages, infectious disease, terrorism and rising-sea levels and drought causing immense economic nuisances, all of which have the potential to harm Australia’s national security. Richard Ullman defines a national security threat as actions that can degrade the quality of life for the inhabitants of aShow MoreRelatedA Brief Look at Climate Change1838 Words  | 7 PagesClimate change continues to be one of the biggest issues in the world today, both politically and economically because it aggravates average increases in the global temperature and contributes to rising seawater levels around the world, posing serious threats to human life. A required immediate response from the government to rectify the climate change problem includes penalizing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). 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This technique may also be used in coal seam gas extraction, although less frequently. Unconventional mining – mainly fracking - has become an increasingly politically sensitive issue in Australia and around the world, to the point where it may even help swing seats inRead MoreExternal Factors And Their Effects On Organisations Essay1447 Words  | 6 Pagesfactors, as they are uncontrollable and impact each firm in an unexpected way. External Factors can affect the ability of a business or venture to accomplish its key objectives and destinations. These outside components may incorporate; Competition, social, legal, and technological changes, economic and political environment. This research paper will investigate external factors and their effects on organisations. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Business Administration Hesselbarth and Schaltegger
Question: Discuss about the Business Administration for Hesselbarth and Schaltegger. Answer: Personal Workplace Environment The personal workplace work environment can be organized as per the requirements and the needs of the business entity. As such , it is necessary that the working environment is conducive for the development of work productivity. In this regard , Hesselbarth and Schaltegger (20140 noted that substantial investment is made to assist the business entity in implementing advanced technology mechanisms has been used for the development of the workplace environment . In addition, the working environment shall depend upon a number of factors that includes - the scale of operations and the nature of the product and the service line the firm is operating. Consultation Experience The entire staff has been very helpful in the process of researching content for the presentation. Middle ranked managers have been essential for the conduct of the research procedure in the business organization( Young et al.2014). The necessary materials were gathered in creating the content for a successful presentation. Supporting Documents The workplace has been providing valuable supporting documents and equipments for the development of effective content . In addition , the supporting documents shall provide all the necessary data that would assist a business entity in achieving further growth. Strategies and Energy Conservation Techniques Technology has been used for the implementation of effective strategies as well as the energy and resource conservation procedures in the organization . In addition, the needs of the organization has been analyzed with the help of statistical analysis of the organization. In addition , the management of the organization has taken a leading role in analyzing the external market environment and taking appropriate measures. References Hesselbarth, C. and Schaltegger, S., 2014. Educating change agents for sustainabilitylearnings from the first sustainability management master of business administration. Journal of cleaner production, 62, pp.24-36.Young, A.T., Higgins, M.J., Lacombe, D.J. and Sell, B., 2014. The direct and indirect effects of Small Business Administration lending on growth: Evidence from US county-level data (No. w20543). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Poverty and its Effects for Global Development
Question: Write about thePoverty and its Effects for Global Development. Answer: Poverty is regarded as a serious problem which is destroying the global development and leaving a serious impact on the vulnerable groups in the society of this world. Poverty means the lack of survival through the basic means. The poverty largely prevails in the developing nations especially in Africa and South Asia. The meaning of absolute poverty refers to the conditions which constitute lack of resources such as clothing, shelter and so forth which are regarded as the basic amenities for the source of survival (Macionis Plummer, 2015). The root of absolute poverty can be due to corruption, the increasing of the gap between rich and poor as well as the political unrest. The aim of the essay is to discuss the impact of the poverty on refugees, children women and elderly people living in the society. Absolute poverty leaves poor impact on the children group, who are considered to be the important vulnerable part of the society. The research on psychology demonstrates that having an impact of absolute poverty over the children is carrying a wider range of poor effects within their school, home and neighborhoods. Poverty on the children are associated with the poor conditions such as inadequate nutrition, food insecurity, lack of child care, neighborhoods who are not safe and the schools which are under resourced, which leaves a deep impact on the nation (James Prout, 2015). The poorer children and the teens also suffer from greater risks for many negative outcomes such as poor academic successes, dropouts from school, neglect and abuse and these are the problems which the children and their families face when they are trying to enter the mental care. Poverty also leaves adverse effects on the results of the academy especially in the early childhood. Poverty affects the academic gap, which influences the low- income African and Hispanic children while they are being compared with the white people (James Prout, 2015). Out of malnutrition and starvation, the children face poor physical health in comparison to the children who are not poor children such as low weight at birth, the stunting of growth. The effect of poverty influences the health and nutrition of the children which are cognitive ability, achievements in schools as already mentioned before (Ball, 2012).These kinds of deep and persistent poverty are affecting this important vulnerable group, the children who are the future of nations. In this context, steps must be taken immediately by the countries in order to provide them a safety future ahead (Giddens et al., 2016). The absolute poverty also leaves a huge impact on the refugees, face poverty and there are disadvantages in respect to this which are being similar to the marginalized groups in the society. This incorporates problems of low income having access to the services and as well paid employment and the attitudes which are challenging in nature especially to those living in the low income (Ball, 2012). Other than this, the refugees or the asylum seekers also suffer from extra challenges, which further incorporate the following general problems such as the refugees get a much lower levels of social benefits than the population as a whole and they are being depended on the provisions for costs of energy and housing from the particular country where they are staying as a refugee. Restricting on the employment for the refugees are seen as a contributing factor to the risk of the poverty. The changes which have been done in the system of asylum, means in the year 2002, the refugees are not being permitted to enter paid employment while their claim is processed, which in turn increases the vulnerability of poverty in the life of refugees (Ball, 2012). The means of exploitation and disrespecting the importance that women carry in the world are the main effects of poverty on them. Other than the children, women are the important ones who are being badly affected out of the poverty specially in the continent of Africa and other developing nations. The reason behind this is that most of the families prefer to give education to their male children and as a result, the illiteracy among the women is increasing (Cunningham Cunningham, 2014). The effects of poverty on the women are where the girl child are being forced to enter early marriages. The effect of poverty where the people are tended to be violent and they carry out their own violent behavior on the women and the communities. The women who are living in the poverty and generally facing violent behavior or they become the victims of the domestic violence because they are being felt that they are powerless and they are being treated inferior to their own partners (Kendall, 2012). The poverty has made the women to depend on their working of husbands and these results of being prisoners of their own husbands. According to the estimation calculated by the World Health Organization, it has been found that 37% of the African women experience sexual and physical violence. Poverty also left a deep impact on the health status of women due to the decrease of income which is finally not helping them to have better mental as well as health treatment. However, both women and men suffers from the effects of poverty, a huge number of women are being badly affected because out of the effects of poverty due to the increase of feminization in the shares of poverty. Due to the low income, the women are being forced into cert ain illegal jobs to income more money they also start taking drugs in order to ease their frustration of their merciless lives (Kendall, 2012). The effect of poverty on the elderly people is also extreme. It can be stated that the elderly rural people suffer from higher rates of the poverty than the elderly urban and the areas at rural tend to have a greater percentages of old people in their total population than the counterparts in the urban areas (Biddle, 2014). These higher numbers are out of the economic pressures are as well affecting the health of these elder people and even in the developing countries like Africa and India, the elderly people after the age of 60s still continue their work in the field, without caring about the factors and impacts of their age. The elderly people are also judged on the basis of color. The Asian Americans, who are having different skin color, basically, who are not white are devoid of social security as compared to the white (Biddle, 2014). However, in the country like United Kingdom as well, where after BREXIT, the economic situation has deteriorated; there would more adverse effects on the health of the people. The elder people living in poverty do not get material or financial support from friends and families (Chatzitheochari Arber, 2012). The poor health of the elder people have pushed them down through the imposition of the extra costs of living means and also underestimating the ability of the respondents in order to live independently. As with the increase of expenditure, the older people or the older pensioners, however they live a very restricted life from the financial point of view, in order to decrease their cost of living. The poverty is also leading to the sharp rise in the deaths in winter. The elderly people, who are living in the slums, suffer much health problems and this lead to the increase of deaths during the winter season (Biddle, 2014). Therefore, it can be concluded that absolute poverty affects negatively the vulnerable groups of the nations. The poverty is on the rise and this is affecting the future of the nation. The government needs to stay conscious about the growth of poverty and must come forward to help these groups out of absolute poverty. References Ball, S. J. (2012).Politics and policy making in education: Explorations in sociology. Routledge. Biddle, B. (2014).Social class, poverty and education. Routledge. Chatzitheochari, S., Arber, S. (2012). Class, gender and time poverty: a time?use analysis of British workers free time resources.The British journal of sociology,63(3), 451-471. Cunningham, J., Cunningham, S. (2014).Sociology and social work. Learning Matters. Giddens, A., Duneier, M., Appelbaum, R. P., Carr, D. S. (2016).Introduction to sociology. WW Norton. James, A., Prout, A. (Eds.). (2015).Constructing and reconstructing childhood: Contemporary issues in the sociological study of childhood. Routledge. Kendall, D. (2012).Sociology in our times. Cengage Learning. Macionis Plummer. (2012). Sociology: A global introduction (5th ed.). Pearson Education, Essex, UK
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