Wednesday, October 30, 2019
LETTER FROM BIRMINGHAM JAIL, the trial and death of socrates book Essay - 1
LETTER FROM BIRMINGHAM JAIL, the trial and death of socrates book - Essay Example He knows that his own death comes with the morning and he doesn’t really want to die, but he continues to reject his friends’ attempts to save him by helping him escape. Socrates feels that a virtuous man is a man who stands up for what he believes in even when this is not the common practice of his countrymen or when it means hardship for himself. For his defense, Socrates relies on logic and reasoning to present his case to the people of Athens, clearly summarizing his actions and demonstrating them to be neither harmful nor malicious toward the state. His friends try to convince him to adopt a different approach in his defense by turning to the cultural norms of working on pity and family need, but Socrates felt it more important to uphold the ideals of logic, truth and justice. However, Socrates has wisely already calculated his chances to escape death and chooses instead to be judged by history based upon his own merits rather than attempt to win over a group of individuals who are already disposed against him. In his example, Socrates reveals that the virtuous man does not worry so much about things like danger or fear of death because as long as he is standing up for truth, his spirit cannot be long overcome. According to Socrates, a man can know whether his decisions are virtuous or not based on his feelings of shame, which is an emotion that signals wrong action. It arises from feelings of guilt and remorse when one breaks contracts made both with himself and with others and can only be avoided when one acts in perfect acco rdance with what he knows is right without fear or pursuit merely of self-interest. In drinking the hemlock, Socrates is able to prove to history, if not to the jurors, that he has consistently acted in ways that he deems to be in the right, in support of the laws and in the best interests of the people. Finally, in accepting his punishment, he is able to prove the depth of his convictions and continue
Monday, October 28, 2019
Discuss research into different type of attachment Essay Example for Free
Discuss research into different type of attachment Essay Mary Ainsworth conducted two naturalistic observations, one in the rural community of Kampala in Uganda which lasted for two years and the other in the urban city of Baltimore which had lasted for one year. The aim of this observation was to look at a mother and infant interaction. In both study she used the same number of participants, which were 26 mothers and their infants. Using the strange situation she found three different types of attachments that were displayed by the children and the fourth found by Main and Solomon. The first study in Uganda she found that some mothers were more sensitive to their infants needs meaning that, they were more capable of providing more details about their infants. The infants of these mothers were ‘securely attached’, this means that in their mothers’ presence they cried little and were more eager to explore. This secure attachment led to the infants being more independence because they used their mothers as a secure base that they could run to in time of danger. The second observation took place in Baltimore, America. In this study she and her team did not use a behaviour checklist which means that there was not certain thing that she was looking for, for example she did not have a paper where she wrote all the behaviour that she was looking for such as anger or sorrow and ticked them off when she witnessed it, she was purely just writing what she had seen. In this observation she found that mother were more sensitive to their infants for the first three months of their lives, meaning that in the one year that she had studied them, only for the first three months the mother, who was classified as a secure base responded more to the infants needs during that time period. Learning theorist found this confusing, this is because from their understanding, responsiveness to behavioural social releasers, such as crying should act as a reinforcer and increase the crying, but this was different Anisworth predication which was that behavioural social releasers decrease the caregiver responsiveness. One limitation of these studies is that because it was a longitudinal study, which means that it went over for a long period of time, it may have caused participant attrition, where participants drop out of the study and this may cause problems for her, such as she may not have yet found what she needed. but one strength of the study being longitudinal is that the mother may become more comfortable with the fact of someone observing them so this could led to them being more free and able to express themselves better, and this would be an advantage for Mary as she will witness the mothers true personality and behaviour. One limitation of the Baltimore study alone was that her study was not operationalised; meaning that she did not define what she was observing and this could lead to her finding irrelevant information. In the Baltimore study we saw that Mary Anisworth conducting her research using the Strange Situation. This method was used to test the nature of attachment systematically. the aim of this was to see how infants behaved under condition of mild stress and novelty, this stress was created by a presence of a stranger and by separation from caregiver; this is tests stranger anxiety and separation anxiety. The strange situation also tries to encourage exploration by placing infant in a novel situation which tests the secure base concept. This research takes place in a novel environment, this is a 99 foot square marked off into 16 squares, and this was to help mark the movements of the infants. This method consists of eight episodes, each used to emphasise certain behaviours; the behaviour that was assessed was stranger anxiety, this is the distress shown by an infant when approached or picked up by someone who is unknown to them. The second behaviour assessed is separation anxiety, this is the distress revealed by infants when separated from its primary attachment figure. And the last behaviour assessed was Reunion behaviour this is the behaviour shown by infants when reunited with their mother. The results in a strange situation are collected by a group of observers who record what the infants are doing every 15 seconds. Aniworth et al (1978) found that there are three types of attachment that infants had with their caregiver. One of the attachment found was the secure attachment, this is when an infant has a strong and cooperative interaction with their caregiver. These types of infants properly will not cry if their caregiver leaves the room, but when feeling scared they use their caregiver as safety net that they run to seek close bodily contact and although they may not want to leave their caregivers side prematurely, they are easily soothed. They seek and are comfortable with social interaction and intimacy. The securely attached infants are more independent this is because they use their caregiver a secure base and because they know that they have this secure base they tend to explore their environment more. Another type of attachment is Insecure-avoidant, this attachment is formed of children that don’t like to socially interact with others and tend to avoid intimacy. In the strange situation, when separated from their caregiver these children show little response and do not seek proximity of their caregiver on reunion. If the infant is picked up they may show little or no tendency to cling or resist being put down. These children do not need their caregiver to be there for them to explore, they are quite happy to do it without them. They may also become quite angry because their attachment needs are not met. Furthermore another type of attachment is insecure-resistant, these are children who both seek and reject intimacy and social interaction. When separated with their caregiver they show intense distress, on reunion they may resist being picked up while also trying to maintain proximity. The last type of attachment was found by Main and Solomon (1986) when they done a re-analysis of over 200 strange situation. The fourth attachment that they found was Disorganised; this type is characterised by a lack of a consistent patterns of social behaviour. These children can show strong attachment, which is suddenly followed by avoidance or looking fearful towards their caregiver or displaying odd movements such as stumbling. In conclusion, there are four types of attachment that children display these are secure attachment, insecure- resistant, insecure avoidance and disorganised and a way to identify what type of attachment a child has is to use the strange situation method, that was first conducting by Mary Anisworth.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Alexanders Empire :: essays research papers
Alexander's Empire The ancient Kingdom of Macedonia, situated in the north of modern Greece, was established by Perdiccas I about 640 B.C. Perdiccas was a Dorian, although the Macedonian tribes included Thracian and Illyrian elements. Originally a semibarbarous and fragmented power, Macedon became tributary to Persia under the Persian kings Darius I and Xerxes I and thereafter struggled to maintain itself against Thracians and other barbarians and against the Greek cities of the Chalcidice as well as Sparta and Athens. A new stage began with Archelaus (d.399 B.C.), who centralized the kingdom with a system of roads and forts; he also fostered the Hellenization of his people by inviting famous Greek artists, Euripides among them, to his court. Few regions gave much thought to Macedonia. The area was so primitive that it seemed to belong to another age- it was a rude, brawling, heavy-drinking country of dour peasants and landowning warriors. The language was Greek, but so tainted by barbarian strains that Athenians could not understand it. Macedonia remained an outland. Growth of trade in the early fourth century promoted the rise of several cities, yet when Perdiccas III, king of Macedonia, fell in 359 B.C. while fighting the Illyrians the seaboard of his state was largely under Athenian control or in the hands of the Chalcidian league, grouped about Olynthus. Philip (382-36), brother of the dead king, was made regent for the infant heir, soon set aside his nephew, and became outright king. Once power was his, the young monarch swiftly brought order to his domain by armed force when necessary, by diplomatic guile whenever he could, Philip set out to make Macedon the greatest power in the Greek world. Alexander was born in 356 to the first wife of Philip. As a teenager Alexander was educated by Athenian philosopher Aristotle. By the year 337 all of the Greek city-states had been conquered or forced into an alliance by Philip. He was planning to lead their joint forces for an invasion of the Persian empire when he was assassinated in 336. Thus at the age of 20, Alexander became king of the Macedonians. After Philip's death, some Greek cities under Macedonian rule revolted. In 335 B.C. Alexander's army stormed the walls of the rebellious city of Thebes and demolished the city. About 30,000 inhabitants were sold in slavery. Alexander's action against Thebes discouraged, for a time, rebellion by other Greek cities With Greece under control, Alexander turned to his fathers plan for attacking the Persian Empire. In 334 B.C., he led an army of about 35,000 infantry and cavalry across the Hellespont from Europe to Asia.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Significance of Social and Economic Change in the USA Between 1898 and 1921 :: American America History
Significance of Social and Economic Change in the USA Between 1898 and 1921 Sweeping social and economic reforms that occur in any country at any time are always very significant. In relation to the United States of America (USA) during the period of 1898-1921, it is even more so. This period of time saw remarkable changes occurring both inside the USA, and in relation to the USA and the outside world as it became a global force. After the Spanish-American War, led by President McKinley, American ideologies, basically ignorant, capitalist and isolationist at heart, seemed to shift and do a 180 degree turn. This can be said as being signified by the accession of the political dogma of Progressivism, advocated by the next President Theodore Roosevelt, who believed in a 'Dirigisme' style of government. With Roosevelt came swift economical and business reforms, the Roosevelt coined 'Square Deal' is an example of the reforms he implemented, and the advent of the 'muckrakers', with their campaigns against malpractice in the corporate world and big business monopol istic power. William Howard Taft, the successor of Roosevelt, tried to follow this road with his attempts at reforming tariff protection, but inner party disagreements, and a split, in the Republican camp denied him the chance to do so. As the world, and America, edged closer to the First World War, we see that the United States had significantly revolutionised both socially and economically, especially assisted with the Democrat Woodrow Wilson as President, who reformed the country more than any other. However, as the Great War progressed and after its completion, we see a drastic reversal. A new US stepped out of the war, one where its people wore blinkers for thinking caps. As the era of Communist take-over fears, suffrage for women, prohibition and the 'roaring 20's' neared, isolationism, restricted immigration, and social, civil, and racial unrest had come to the forefront of American society's priorities. This period ended with the introduction of 'laissez-faire' economics, a swift turn-around from usual government methods used in the last 20 years. American society had once again done a 180-degree turn, back to 'normalcy', under the guidance of President Warren Harding. This original form of control and regulation in the country was a way in which the people repudiated all the years of hard work done by the progressives and others in the past in their attempts to make the USA a more friendly, safe, prosperous and free place to live in.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Story of an Hour and a Sorrowful Woman: the Plight of Women
The Story of an Hour and A Sorrowful Woman: the plight of women From time to time, marriage is not always bring happiness to a couple, also makes a couple to be imprisoners with the commitment. The marital bonds of intimacy, respect, and trust must be developed, nurtured and enforced. When this fails, most couples are given a chance to make important changes. In a sorrowful woman, character of a woman is center around the idea of marriage, motherhood and housewife. As the author begins actually with an epigram emphasizing with the ironic of the plot â€Å"once upon a time, there was a wife and mother one too many†.The secluded woman had already the fulfillment of being married and having a child, but was now at the point of not wanting that kind of life anymore. The woman is unhappy with her marriage and isolates herself from her family. She is being so sad and depressing. The loneliness and solitude was that she had wanted out of her family member role throughout the story. S he was placed to bed the first night and was given a sleeping draught that was guaranteed to put her to rest swiftly after informing her husband that she wanted to be away and out of the sight of him and their little boy.She could not any longer fulfill her role of being a mother to her child. She did not know how to be a loving mother to him anymore. For many days straight the wife remained there alone and only appears to wonder throughout the house aimlessly a few short times when the house was vacant. She seems to be a very selfish and self-centered person who cares only for herself. It seems like the end of her world. I mean she doesn’t want to improve or fix her relationship with her husband and also she ends up her duty with her child. In contrast, I see that the woman, Mrs.Mallard, in the story of an hour has a different moment from the wife in sorrowful woman story. She is a normal housewife who depends on her husband. The news of her husband's death gives her freedom and sets her free from restraints, marriage and a lifetime of dependency. After she knew about her husband’s death, she locks herself in her room. She thinks about what life is going to be like from now on.. She concealed her happiness. In the story, As Mrs. Mallard is sitting in her chair whispering over and over â€Å"Free body and Sole free†.This shows her experience of a freedom. For probably the first time in a long time she feels truly happy, happy that she is now free from her husband and the life they once shared together. Her death is due to shattered dreams brought on with shock. The doctors announce that she had died of heart disease â€Å"- of joy that kills†. This concluding line is probably the most interesting. The reader knows, through the limited omniscient narrator, the true sentiments of Mrs. Mallard and the irony lays in the fact that she could not endure the confines of her superficial marriage.From these two authors, from different time pe riods, A sorrowful woman and The story of an hour are both similar pieces of literary work in that both stories offers a revealing glimpse of extremely unhappy marriages. They are so unhappy with the lives they lead. For female protagonist in â€Å"A sorrowful woman†, her marriage was a torment. Both of women are imprisoned in their own marriages and even more so in their own minds, which eventually lead them to death. It shows that marriage does not always bring happiness they expect like a fairytale.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Narrative Essay Topic Ideas
Narrative Essay Topic Ideas Even if writing academic papers has never been a problem to you, you may be puzzled when you are assigned to write a narrative essay. What is difficult about this assignment is creating effective narrative essay topic ideas. However, what makes it quite easy is that you do not need to conduct a research before you can start writing. If creative writing has never been your passion, and you want a professional writer do the work for you, contact our company to get qualified assistance. Our experts produce all kinds of academic papers, including stories. So, what you need to do is to give us your teacher’s requirements and specify the deadline. You will receive your story online, so your grade and your reputation will be safe. Where to look for good narrative essay topic ideas? It is more likely that you will find them in your memories. Just give yourself enough time to think. Your experience is unique, so if you have enough time to browse your memories, you will surely recollect some events from your past which you will be able to present in an interesting form. For example, you can tell a story from your early childhood years. Were there any interesting and memorable moments in class? Tell about the present you received for Christmas, which you have been dreaming about. Tell about the journey to a distant place which left a mark in your memory. Your family or even pets can give you inspiration you are looking for. Each of us has interesting stories to tell about our cats, dogs and other animals. Tell about your friends, with whom you have shared many bright moments of your life. Some ideas can be offered to you not only by your personal experience, but by some global events, too, such as September 11 or Japanese Earthquake of 2011. Which style to use? After you have invented narrative essay topic ideas, start writing. Many students are wondering, which style and tone are allowable for this assignment. In fact, you can use any style you like. You can fill your paper with humor, or, on the contrary, sound serious and solemn. Just check that you are consistent and do not shock the reader with unexpected transitions from cheerful mood to sadness and back. It is important to remember that no matter what tone of narration you would choose, your work is still an academic paper. That means correct word usage, grammar and punctuation are crucial for your success. After your paper is ready, check it at least a couple of times to eliminate the errors.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Comparision contrast essays
Comparision contrast essays The cougar population is rising every year in Oregon and the population is moving closer to urban areas. As a result, cougar attacks are increasing. Management of the cougar population has become a political issue that sparks many debates. It is not too often anyone ever sees a cougar but they are out there. We walk threw the woods not even thinking of these creatures, but they are thinking about us and watching us. Sometimes cougars are too interested in us and our domestic animals, and this usually ends up with an injury or even death. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) is responsible for maintaining a plan to manage the cougar population in Oregon. By examining ODFWs figures we can see that the population is rising. Prior to 1994 the annual growth rate was estimated at four to five percent. In 1994 a new law came into effect. Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 635-067-004(5) was put into place to ban the use of dogs for hunting or pursuing cougar. After the ban, the growth rate increased to approximately eight to twelve percent per year. ODFW states that, increased observations, road kill incidents and increasing damage complaints indicate the statewide cougar population has increased substantially since 1980. The new law was put into effect after a campaign alleged that the use of hounds was too cruel. However, without the use of hounds hunting the cougar has become to difficult. According to statistics on ODFWs website, from 1970 to 1994 hunters had an average success rate of 42%. From 1995 to 2000 the rate was down to a five percent average. To find a cougar without a dog is like searching for a needle in a hay stack. You must have a dogs nose to pick up on the sent of a cougar, a humans nose will not do. Cougars can smell and hear an approaching human long before the human is aware of the presence of the cougar. As they approach the cougar it will continue to ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Pearl Review
'The Pearl' Review The Pearl (1947) is somewhat of a departure from some of ​John Steinbecks earlier works. The novel has been compared to Ernest Hemingways The Old Man and the Sea (1952). The seeds of Steinbecks The Pearl began to germinate in 1940 when he was traveling in the Sea of Cortez and heard a story about a young man who found a large pearl. From that basic outline, Steinbeck reinvented the tale of Kino and his young family to include his own experiences, including in his novel the recent birth of a son, and how that exhilaration affects a young man. The novel is also, in some ways, a representation of his long appreciation of Mexican culture. He made the story into a parable, warning his readers of the corrupting influences of wealth.​ Be Careful What You Wish For... In The Pearl, Kinos neighbors all knew what good fortune could do to him, his wife, and his new baby boy. That good wife Juana, they said, and the beautiful baby Coyotito, and the others to come. What a pity it would be if the pearl should destroy them all.Even Juana tries to throw the pearl into the sea to free them from its poison. And she knew that Kino was half insane and half god... that the mountain would stand while the man broke himself; that the sea would surge while the man drowned in it. But, she needed him yet, and she would follow him, even as he admits to his brother: This pearl has become my soul... If I give it up I shall lose my soul.The pearl sings to Kino, telling him of a future where his son will read and he may become something more than a poor fisherman. In the end, the pearl doesnt fulfill any of its promises. It only brings death and emptiness. As the family returned to their old house, the people around them said that they seemed removed from human experienc e, that they had gone through pain and had come out the other side; that there was almost a magical protection about them.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Early Childhood Learning and Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Early Childhood Learning and Development - Essay Example France and Belgium adapt an organized childminding system because most parents admit their two-year-olds to nursery schools. In contrast, Britain's situation is a bit different. There are no parental leaves and an explicit rejection of any public responsibility to support working parents and their children. This can be attributed to the widespread view in Britain that early childhood care and education are treated as private matters. As a resolution, policies for early childhood services were passed and implemented. One of them was the Children Act 1989 which was implemented in 1991. The Children Act 1989 emphasizes that our actions support the best interests and welfare of the children and highlights the role of parental responsibility and the partnership between professionals and parents in child rearing (Pugh, 1992). It replaced parental rights with responsibility as it places paramount importance in the vital roles that the parents assume in the development and learning process of their children. Children since birth live with their parents. Their immediate environment is with their parents in a place they call home. Children have gained confidence, trust, and love for their parents and treat their family and home as their comfort zone. The biological and physiological needs of the children, as well as, their proximity with their parents allow the latter to share many experiences that influence and shape the development of the children. Because of this, parents are considered as the prime carers and educators of their children (Braun, 1992). Professionals in early childhood work, on the other hand, have gained formal education and training about children and their development. They have been exposed to caring for children with varying age, different behaviours and schemas or learning patterns, and different orientation, beliefs, culture, and social status. Parents' in-depth and intimate relationship and detailed knowledge of the experiences of their children and professionals' formal and technical know-how of child care and development should converge and be utilized at the optimum level in terms of children's learning. Working with parents has proven to be effective especially in ensuring that the child is given maximum opportunity to develop his/her schemas at home and in school, whether learning is structured or unstructured and setting is formal or informal. There are several ways to work with parents during early childhood care and education. Dorit Braun in Contemporary Issues in Early Years discussed that parents' room can be set up where parents can meet and chat with each other, parents can serve as helpers on trips and parenting groups to support parents can be established. Furthermore, Margy Whalley (2001) discussed how the Pen Green Centre encourages participation among the parents. The Pen Green Centre for below 5s in Corby, a multidisciplinary service financed by
Friday, October 18, 2019
Pricing Techniques Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Pricing Techniques - Assignment Example Elasticity of demand for a service or good is lowest when demand is highest (at peak) and the contrary is true. Price, therefore, depends on demand elasticity. An example of peak load pricing is the case of electricity. During peak, there are uses of power stations that exhibit the lowest cost of operations. Coal-fired stations exhibit low cost of operations and, therefore, most preferable during off-peak demand. Gas and oil-fired stations that have high operations costs are used during peak demand. The marginal cost of electricity production using gas and oil-fired is higher than using coal-fired stations. Peak load pricing principles are developed for the profit-maximizing firm, which is the subject to one or three methods of regulatory constraints (Knieps, 2015). Peak load pricing techniques has a substantial effect on the distribution of price reductions between the peak and off-peak users. Under regulation limiting rate of return on capital investment the price reduction are received mostly by peak-period users. In contrast, when regulation limits profit per unit or returns on cost, there are price reductions for all
The Youthquake of the 1960s resulted in the launch of many magazines Essay
The Youthquake of the 1960s resulted in the launch of many magazines aimed at young women - Essay Example This decade was stated as â€Å"both the best of times and the worst of times†. One of the transformational highlights that took place during this decade was a cultural revolution and transformation for of the women. The feminist trends were introduced during the sixties and the subsequent decades were affected by the feminism that came forward during the sixties. Women were following the new culture of feminism which reflected in their workplace decisions, marriage decisions, child-bearing issues and freedom of choice in their personal lives (Walsh 2010). The 1960s was a decade of change and revolutionary changes throughout the fashion trends with emerging new ideas and images, the reflection of which is still depicted through today’s fashion. The significant aspect of the 1960s was that the main focus of the fashion industry was the young population as previously only the wealthy and mature elite class was aimed at by the fashion designers and industry. This new and e volutionary trend in the fashion world led to a â€Å"Youthquake†of the 1960’s which was highlighted and communicated with the masses through a plethora of magazines such as Spare Rib, Cosmopolitan or New Woman. ... The result was a striking increase in the births of baby in America and Britain. This â€Å"baby boom†was higher in America with the birth of 75 million babies between 1946 and 1964 (Farber & Bailey 2001). The post-war economy in Britain also experienced an optimistic rise after the boom period. According to the British Prime Minister, Harold Macmillan in 1957, â€Å"Most of our people have never had it so good†(1957: Britons ‘have never had it so good’ 2005). Britain’s economy also experienced a powerful boost due to the baby boom after the World War. These babies when reached their teens, they were a part of the post-war period and had grown in well-educated and favourable environments. These baby boomers were rebellious and did not agree with the conservative and conventional ideas of their parents. The American history observed these baby boomers to emerge as people of power and intellect such as the U.S. president George Bush and Bill Clinton. The teenagers ruled the 1960s with their rebellious yet fresh and young ideas. Not just the politics or the media, the youth culture was also depicted in the fashion and it is most likely that even after retirement pensioners will be seen in T-shirts rather than tweed suits! (60s Season: baby boom 2012). The young population formed a major part of the consumer population and they gave a new shape to both the market place and their own new lifestyles (Farber & Bailey 2001). The age of the baby boomers was characterized by the youth population brought up in an atmosphere of optimism and prosperity which ultimately affected their goals, aims, trends and future behaviours as well. The 1960s was characterized by new fashion trends which depicted in the attires and different clothing styles
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Curriculum definitions and reference point Article
Curriculum definitions and reference point - Article Example Thus, the two settings where the notion of a curriculum did persist were Scotland and the United States. In the United States, the development of a structure for the curriculum, in administrative and managerial terms, proceeded rapidly. However, the concept of what the realm of curriculum might be became highly diffused, and two consequences persist. 1. The curriculum as a concept, as a discrete idea, was almost without boundaries. It could mean anything from the â€Å"bundle†of programs an institution offered, to the individual experience of a particular student. 2. Systematic description, that is, an orderly, technical terminology that enhanced insights on practice and linked ideas to application, had not developed. Often faculty at work on the curriculum had to invent their own labels to describe what they did. 1. The word can connote either formal structural arrangements or the substance of what is being taught (split in definition). Most faculty would side with the notion that â€Å"the structural aspects of the curriculum had much less to do with the quality†¦quality instead was more importantly linked to matters of substance.†In sum, application of the concept of â€Å"curriculum†spread in the United States, but it did not achieve the refined meaning, precise definition, or consensus among professors that standards of professional practice normally require. 1. The concept of the curriculum as a plan for learning is well developed based on a comprehensive analysis of the literature on the subject. Further field research among faculty led back to the course as the fundamental component of such a plan, not the curriculum. 3. The concept of system has been extended to consider the curriculum as a major subsystem of the university, thus opening analysis of inputs and outcomes. This approach can be characterized as â€Å"systemic curricular planning.†One great asset of the concept of
Analyse the key developments in social accounting and discuss the Essay
Analyse the key developments in social accounting and discuss the extent to which you agree with the academic criticism of these developments - Essay Example Typically, social accounting stresses the idea of corporate accountability and has been defined in this context as an approach to reporting of the activities of a firm that stresses on identifying socially appropriate behavior, acknowledging the people to whom the company is answerable for its performance socially and development of suitable measures as well as reporting methods. It is a significant step towards assisting companies to develop autonomously CSR initiatives that have demonstrated to have more effectiveness compared to those that have been mandated by the government (Crane and Matten, 2007, p. 170). In most cases, social accounting is a collective term that is employed in describing a wide field of practice and research so the usage of narrower terms in the expression of particular interests is therefore not uncommon. For instance, environmental account may particularly denote the research or practices of accounting for the effects of an organization on the natural environment. On the other hand, sustainability accounting is employed in the expression of quantitative analysis and measuring of economic and social sustainability (Thomas and Lamm, 2015, p. 191). J R Hicks originally introduced the phrase social accounting into the field of economics in 1942 and he defined it as nothing else apart from accounting for the entire community or nation in the same manner that private accounting refers to accounting for one organization. According to Hicks, social accounting can also be referred to as national income accounting and is a means of presenting the inter-connections between various sectors of the economy in a statistical manner for a comprehensive understanding of the economic environment of the environment. It is an approach that can be used to study the structure of economic bodies and can be used as a means of presenting information concerning nature of the economy with the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Curriculum definitions and reference point Article
Curriculum definitions and reference point - Article Example Thus, the two settings where the notion of a curriculum did persist were Scotland and the United States. In the United States, the development of a structure for the curriculum, in administrative and managerial terms, proceeded rapidly. However, the concept of what the realm of curriculum might be became highly diffused, and two consequences persist. 1. The curriculum as a concept, as a discrete idea, was almost without boundaries. It could mean anything from the â€Å"bundle†of programs an institution offered, to the individual experience of a particular student. 2. Systematic description, that is, an orderly, technical terminology that enhanced insights on practice and linked ideas to application, had not developed. Often faculty at work on the curriculum had to invent their own labels to describe what they did. 1. The word can connote either formal structural arrangements or the substance of what is being taught (split in definition). Most faculty would side with the notion that â€Å"the structural aspects of the curriculum had much less to do with the quality†¦quality instead was more importantly linked to matters of substance.†In sum, application of the concept of â€Å"curriculum†spread in the United States, but it did not achieve the refined meaning, precise definition, or consensus among professors that standards of professional practice normally require. 1. The concept of the curriculum as a plan for learning is well developed based on a comprehensive analysis of the literature on the subject. Further field research among faculty led back to the course as the fundamental component of such a plan, not the curriculum. 3. The concept of system has been extended to consider the curriculum as a major subsystem of the university, thus opening analysis of inputs and outcomes. This approach can be characterized as â€Å"systemic curricular planning.†One great asset of the concept of
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Early childhood play inquiry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Early childhood play inquiry - Assignment Example According to Abbott (1994), it is not all types of play which will be beneficial to the child in terms of their early childhood development. Structured play however, as Abbot (1994) says, is able to help the child to analyse situations, investigate various materials and elements and come up with their own conclusions about the world around them. This process is very helpful to the child as it helps the child’s mental faculties to develop and in a positive way and also helps the child to interact with the world around her in a way that will increase her skills and her thinking processes Abbott (1994). In this regard, play becomes an essential part of learning and without it the child may have to take much longer before they are able to assimilate the world around them. As Abbott (1994) warns, play must be designed with the main intentions to help the child to learn rather than just having fun. According to Bruce (1996), children and adults have a lot in common with regard to how they learn. These commonalities include issues such as the learning from firsthand experience, learning through games and rules and representing their experiences through symbols such as music, drawings, drama etc. However, unlike adults, children only make sense of their experiences and what they learn through play (Bruce, 1996). This is why it is absolutely necessary for adults and especially early childhood teachers to be able to link play to the curriculum. Once they learn about this, it becomes very necessary to be able to help the child to link what she learns in theory and to the real world. In other words, to a child, the play section is like the laboratory for a high school student where they go to make sense of the theories they learn in school. The teacher therefore has to ensure that this â€Å"laboratory†is well equipped for the child to be able to explore as much as
Coffee and Starbucks Essay Example for Free
Coffee and Starbucks Essay How Did Starbucks Become an Icon of America Pop Culture? â€Å"Coffee†is a high frequency word in people’s lives. Students like to read books with sunshine and a cup of coffee. Professors like to walk into their classrooms to start their first class with cups of coffee in hand. People usually drink coffee with their breakfast. Most fast food breakfast meals, such as McDonald’s, include a cup of coffee. A cup of coffee in the morning can give people an energetic and fresh day. â€Å"Americans really do like coffee. †This saying comes from a video called The History of Coffee Culture in America. Coffee culture is profound in America. Most American people love coffee not only because coffee culture is popular and cool, but also because it tastes good. Americans already had adapted well to let coffee become a part of their lives. When the topic comes to coffee, people always think of Starbucks because it is different from other coffee stores. It has customized service, superior taste, a wide range of options, and unique packaging and ideals. As time goes on, Starbucks more and more approaches people’s lives and becomes an important part of the coffee culture in America, even in the whole world. Now, the Starbucks brand has become a part of pop culture in this 2 wang century. It uses a superior product, unique principles and attractive designs to make an ordinary coffee shop become special and exceptional. Starbucks is the largest coffeehouse company in the world (Starbucks). It had 10,924 stores in the United States in 2012, and the company has been expanding and growing quickly in the two years since (Starbucks Company Statistics). The first Starbucks opened in Seattle, Washington, on March 30, 1971, by three partners who met while they were students (Starbucks). People always think the Starbucks green logo is Heather Graham holding up two striped bass, but the symbol actually means obsession, addiction and death. People may not realize that the woman in their green label with twin fishtails is a siren from Greek mythology. She was chosen as the logo because Starbucks was looking for a nautical theme to capture the spirit of Seattle (7 Horrifying). Maybe people will ask, then why is Starbucks called â€Å"Starbucks†? The name â€Å"Starbucks†is not picked randomly by the originator, it actually means a lot. It is nothing to do with the logo and product. Actually â€Å"Starbucks†is a person’s name. In a famous novel called Moby Dick, the whaler â€Å"Pequod†has a first-mate who loves coffee very much. His name is Starbucks. The book Pour Your Heart Into It-How Starbucks Built A Company One Cup at a Time is written by Howard Schultz. He is Starbucks’ chairman. He thought the name â€Å"Starbucks†reminds people of the sea adventure stories and histories about coffee merchant travel around the world to find high quality coffee beans (Dori Jones Yang). The originators actually expected a lot from this name and this company from the beginning. 3 wang. Thefirstandalsothemostimportanttraitforasuccessfulbusinessisasuperior product. They are committed to buying and serving high-quality coffee to keep the pure taste. Starbucks’ coffee beans mainly come from Costa Rica and Asia. They have strict management system to control the quality of coffee beans and other products. That is why Starbucks can keep purity of their coffee (Starbucks). GreatvarietyisanotherreasonpeoplepreferStarbucks. Ithastonsofflavorsof coffees. They also have a secret menu, which not a lot of people know. People also can design their own coffee in Starbucks App. Starbucks also has special coffee for each season even special events, such as pumpkin flavor drinks for Halloween. â€Å"Starbucks up to now is not just a coffee maker. It actually only makes coffee-flavored drinks,†a Starbucks’ marketing manager said in a promotion video. They are professionals at making coffee drinks, and firstly they have to learn how to make it right. Legend is one of the originators; he went to Italy-the birth of coffee-to visit for a few months before they started the business. Starbucksalsohaveauniqueideaabouthowtosealcoffeethathascreativenew practices around the country. They uses Italian words for the cup size such as â€Å"Grande†for medium, not only to demonstrate that they are professional, but also to give people a feeling that it is cool and fashionable. Even though people do not think â€Å"Grande†can prove this coffee store is professional, it will still give people a feeling that they are special. Starbucks does not give much advance publicity, and they do not have a lot of 4 wang posters, but the few posters they have are concise and specific. The main idea of the poster is to express that coffee is equal to energy. The â€Å"Morning†set of posters tells people they need caffeine to make the day full of energy. An energetic day sounds attractive, so Starbucks’ use of people’s desire to have â€Å"an energetic day†encourages people to buy coffee. Starbucks also has another feature. They are not the same as other coffee stores, which encourage people to drink slowly and enjoy the coffee. On the contrary, they make â€Å"fast coffee. †Starbucks has a drive-thru, which is the principle for fast food. Fast coffee attracts different customer groups than other coffee stores. â€Å"Fast coffee†is more suitable for office workers, administrative workers, students, teachers, etc. who are adapting to the fast paced life. They are not poor and they do not have time to sit down and enjoy coffee in the coffee store, so Starbucks is absolutely suitable for them. These kinds of customers account for the vast majority of people. The totally different principles make Starbucks become a totally different coffee store, standing out and becoming a leader of the whole coffee market. The huge customer base makes Starbucks become a part of the coffee culture, not a small coffee company any more. The huge customer group also gives this logo special definition, which is fashionable and cool. People have group psychology, which means people usually are interested in the activities that other people are doing. For example, if 90% of one’s friends like to eat â€Å"pepperoni pizza†for lunch, then that person must want to try it, unless he/she hates pizza. The Starbucks image is another feature. Not a lot of coffee stores write the 5 wang customer’s name on their cup. That is interesting and makes the customer feel special. Starbucks’ special management philosophy and principle make it special enough to make people talk about it and want to become a part of pop culture, too. Thereisanoldsentence,â€Å"Firstimpressionsareveryimportant. †Thedesignand appearance are the first impression that Starbucks gives to customers. So the attractive design is also an important reason why Starbucks has become a part of pop culture in this century. The first important design is the logo, which is the â€Å"enchantress†from the Greek mythology. It gives customers a feeling of mystery, pretty and decorative. The outstanding logo makes their products attractive. Starbucks sells their â€Å"Starbucks China Cups†for not a low price, but still a lot of people want to buy it. The main reason is they are pretty, and people do not think cups with a Starbucks’ logo are ugly. The second reason, of course, people think Starbucks is cool and popular. It is a symbol of fashion. A wide range of options and attractive design makes Starbucks products become more and more welcome. Not only the pretty logo and the products, the gift card is another highlight of attractive design. Most big companies or stores have their own special gift card, but Starbucks has many. They have tons of different design gift cards each year, for different seasons, special festivals, birthdays, birth and graduates. Their pretty designs and special meaning made them popular. Starbucks is popular,but customershave topay forit. Starbucks’ averageprice for coffee ruled higher than other coffee stores. A tall latte in Starbucks is $3. 00 without tax. 6 wang In McDonald’s it is only $1. 99, and in Dunkin Donuts it is only $1. 69 (Yahoo Answers). Thus it can be seen that Starbucks goes far beyond the average price. If people want to enjoy high quality coffee or catch up with fashions, people have to pay more money. Different company usually has different consumer orientation. High-level consumer group usually do not care about a few dollars. They only care about the quality and how easy and fast it is. Actually that group of people is in the minority. Most people care about a few dollars, especially people who loves coffee. Spend few more dollars on each cup of coffee is actually a huge number of money. People have to face a trade-off. Want to catch up with fashions or improve the status? Then pay more money first. NoonecandenythepopularityofStarbucks. Itusesitsspecialdesigntocatch customers’ eyes, such as their representative logo and their special design cups. Then they use excellent products and unique taste to keep customers coming back. Finally uses people’s group psychology and the strong principle to make themselves to became a part of popular culture, not only a coffee shop. Now, Starbucks is a trend. It is expensive, but still a lot people chase after it. Work Cited Coffee Culture. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 04 Sept. 2014. Web. 16 Apr. 2014. 7 wang Curtasu, Matei. Starbucks Good Morning! Good Morning! Behance. Behance, 11 July 2012. Web. 16 Apr. 2014. Starbucks Company Statistics. Statistic Brain RSS. Starbucks Company Statistics, 12 Aug. 2013. Web. 14 Apr. 2014. Starbucks Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 04 Sept. 2014. Web. 16 Apr. 2014. The History of Coffee Culture in America. History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places. N. p. , n. d. Web. 16 Apr. 2014. Why is Starbucks coffee so expensive? Coffee isnt worth five bucks! Blinkie dot org. 5 Nov. 2012. Blinkie dot org. 30 Apr. 2014 Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n. d. Web. 16 Apr. 2014. 7 Horrifying Historical Origins of Famous Corporate Logos. Cracked. com. Cracked, 16 Feb. 2012. Web. 16 Apr. 2014.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl | Analysis
Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl | Analysis Linda faces sexual harassment for the father of her mistress Dr. Flint. He is a licentious and cruel male, like several slaveholders, tries to make Linda his concubine, and subjects her to many years of sexual harassment. Linda describes the anger and shock she felt through his sadistic attacks on her individual autonomy. According to Jacobs (18), Linda narrates that when Flint told her that she was made for his use, meant to obey all his commands, that she was nothing but a slave, whose will should and must surrender to his. Flint murmured impure things in Lindas ears, wrote impure letters but she pretended that she could not hear or she could not read. She shuns his advances by usually being in presence of others and she displays an incredible power over and opposition of Flints will. The wife of Dr. Flint is brutal and callous woman who constantly enjoys the despair of the slaves. Other than confronting her spouse as a result of his lecherous deeds, she displays her respect to male power and blames Linda as the cause of her spouses lust. Because she does not have much power to handle the issue, Mrs. Flint jealously and hatred to Linda enlarges and she turns out to be obsessed with trailing her every step. Linda elucidates that a thing that commands approbation in the white female only speeds up the deprivation of the woman slave (Jacobs, 28). Dr. Flint who is Lindas master and enemy has legal rights to do anything he feels like to Linda, but desires to seduce her through threatening and tricking her other than taping her. All through the novel, Linda consistently goes against him and disobeys to have a sexual affair with him. This infuriates Dr. Flint and he quickly fixates over the thought of contravening her unruly spirit. Flint never distinguishes that Linda is a human being who has feelings, unamenable rights and desires. Cruelty of slaveholders According to Jacobs, (270, Linda claims sympathy for women slaves for there is no law to defend her form violence, from insult, and even from death., which are all imposed by friends who possess the shape of men Instead, the slavery institution defends slaveholders form allegations of sexual violence and assault. If the slave was sexually assaulted, it wasnt an offense against her but an intrude on the property of her master, although it was always a master that attacked her. When her daughter was born, the heart of Linda became heavy since she was aware that slaverly was terrible for males, but was far much terrible for females (Linda, 77). Women slaves were the most susceptible servants because they could do work in the field, take care of children of their masters, and most significantly reproduce slave populace, which became increasingly more significant after prohibition of slave imports in 1808.s For instance, when Benjamin, L indas uncle is sold, the slave trader stated that he could offer any price if the good looking young man was a female (Jacobs, 23). Lindas moral character Linda illustrates her strong moral trait in several ways. At an early and pre teen age, she was given similar things that children of the mistress were given. Her master taught her how to spell and read, which a privilege is since majority of slaves were not taught. Although she saw this as a fair thing, she still helped her family members because of their kindness toward her and she was also conscious that people needed to be treated with respect. Jacobs (65) argues that when Dr. Flint constantly called her harsh names and abused her, Linda she knew that it was not correct and felt that Flint was corrupting her as well as her pure mind, but she chose to remain silent for terror of her severe outcomes, even death. Linda continues leading her life, helping him together with his family, but knowing well that he was cruel and unjust. Arrogance of slaveholders It was extremely egotistical of slaveholders to tell the slaves brutal lies about the North. A slaveholder once told Linda one of the slaves who happened to be Lindas friend was in an awful shape and was pleading to be taken back to her master. Later on Linda discovered that this story was not true and this former slave did not have any wish of going back to slavery. Unfortunately, majority of slaves believes these stories and chose to the thought of protective slavery to hard freedom. Linda is appalled by the idea of really aspiring to return to slavery, even if the tales were true. Linda states that the slaves would start to recognize their personal capabilities, and wield themselves to be women and men (Garfield Zafar, 43). Conclusion The dominant social issue of the book incidences in the Life of a slave girl is sexual harassment of slaves by their masters. Dr. Flint who is Lindas master requires her to do anything for him including a sexual relationship with her. However, Linda does not give in to his sexual demands because she wants to buy her freedom away from enslavement. What is the Concept of Nationalism? What is the Concept of Nationalism? Nationalism is a concept that is not easily defined. There are numerous definitions and forms of what is nationalism, and many of these definitions even overlap. However, there is no one definition that is more adequate than another. Keeping in mind that these definitions are constantly evolving, with thorough analysis and the juxtaposition of arguments set out by eight prominent scholars, a clearer definition of nationalism can be attained. To begin with, the most well know definition today is from Professor Anthony Smith. He states that nationalism is simply an ideological movement for attaining and maintaining autonomy, unity and identity for a population which some of its members deem to constitute an actual or potential nation (Anthony Smith, Nationalism: Theory, Ideology, History, 2001, p.9). In this definition, Smith reveals what he believes the three main goals of nationalism are: autonomy, national unity, and national identity. Even Smiths profound definition has not been available for very long considering he was born in 1933. Although there is much argument on the definition of nationalism, Smith agrees that there is one main point of agreement and that is that the term nationalism is a modern phenomenon (Smith, Anthony 2001). Civic nationalism is basically defined as a group of people which have a certain loyalty to civic rights or laws and pledge to abide by these laws. Ethnic nationalism is basically a grou p that possess a common culture, language, land, etc. It is more specific in terms of who can be in it (McGregor 2010). Smith (1991) writes that every nationalism contains civic and ethnic elements in varying degrees and different forms. Sometimes civic and territorial elements predominate; at other times it is the ethnic and vernacular components that are emphasized (Smith, Anthony 2001). Smiths most important argument features civic and ethnic types of nationalism as opposed to eastern and western types. . Even more specifically, Smith makes the distinction between both civic and ethnic nationalisms. He also believes that Many modern nations are formed around pre-existing, and often pre-modern, ethnic cores (Theories of Nationalism Smith). Smith is claiming that nations had pre-existing-origins prior to their new origins of their new nation. One of the most popular arguments by critics is that the civic and ethnic viewpoint of nationalism collapses too much on the ethnic category. ( Smiths definition seems to be the foundation for nationalism. Other scholars go in to more detail on certain elements of the definition, but most relate back to Smiths original definition. On the contrary to Anthony Smiths definition of nationalism pertaining to the civic and ethnic type, Hans Kohn has argued that the two main types of nationalism are eastern and western. His definition is, Nationalism is a state of mind, in which the supreme loyalty of the individual is felt to be due to the nation-state. (Hans Kohn, Nationalism, 1965) His argument includes both eastern and western types of nationalism which refer to eastern and western Europe. Eastern nationalism conceived the nation as an organic community, united by culture, language and descent (McGregor 2010). This could possibly be related to Smiths ethnic type of nationalism. Western nationalism conceived the nation as a political and civic community, held together by voluntary adherence to democratic norms (McGregor 2010). Again, western nationalism could be perceived as a civic type of nationalism. This can be recognized as two similar classifications on two unfamiliar grounds. Kohn believes that nationalism relates directly with the eastern and western Europe and that it is also where the state of mind of nationalism originated. The main criticism of Kohns classification of nationalism is him being over simplistic. He certainly does not go into as much detail as Smith on the definition and relates only towards Europe which most likely is why he is being identified as over simplistic. Carlton J. H. Hayes definition of nationalism states, Loyalty and attachment to the interior of the group (namely the nation and homeland) are the basis of nationalism. In this definition, a common cultural background and common cultural group are considered the main factors in forming a nation. That remains true with most of the definitions of nationalism. Hayes definition of nationalism seems to be more specific to the ethnic ties toward nationalism. ( Hayes is basically saying that land, language, and blood are the basis of nationalism. . He is saying that nation is something to be proud of. Hayes also believe that these ethnic qualities are the most important; even religion does not compare.  It is attachment to nationality that gives direction to ones individual and social postures, not attachment to religion and ideology. A human being takes pride in his national achievements and feels dependent on its cultural heritage, not on the history of religion and his faith ( This quote further proves Hayes view on nationalism and how it relates to ones culture and past, and specifically not related to religion at all. The reason Hayes definition is unique from others, is his emphasis that religion is not a factor in forming a nation. To further specify Hayes definition on nationalism he says, What distinguishes one human being from another are not their beliefs, but their birth-place, homeland, language and race. Those who are within the four walls of the homeland and nation, belong to it, and those who are outside it, are aliens. It is on the basis of these factors that the people have a feeling of sharing a single destiny and a common past. ( This quote goes hand in hand with Hayess definition of nationalism and just further explains it. According to scholar Benedict Anderson nationalism is, a new emerging nation imagines itself to be antique. This is similar to how Anthony Smith and Hayes defined nationalism. It is mostly like the Smiths ethnic nationalism, which focuses more on the origin of the nation. Anderson focuses more on modern Nationalism and suggests that it forms its attachment through language, especially through literature. Of particular importance to Andersons theory is his stress on the role of printed literature. In Andersons mind, the development of nationalism is linked with printed literature and the growth of these printed works. People were able to read about nationalism in a common dialect and that caused nationalism to mature. (CITE). Andersons definition of nationalism and nation differ greatly from other scholars. He defines nation as an imagined political community. He believes this because the nation is always conceived as a deep, horizontal comradeship. Ultimately it is this fraternity th at makes it possible, over the past two centuries, for so many millions of people, not so much to kill, as willingly to die for such limited imaginings. Not only is Andersons theory distinctive because of the printed literature theory, but also the imagined political community. Peter Alter states, Nationalism is a political force which has been more important in shaping the history of Europe and the world over the last two centuries than the ideas of freedom and parliamentary democracy or, let alone, of communism. His argument is similar to John Breuilly in the sense that there is a strong emphasis on nationalism being a political force. Alter is saying that it has everything to do with being a political movement instead of the idea of freedom. In reference to nationalism, Alter states, It can be associated with forces striving for political, social, economic and cultural emancipation, as well as with those whose goal oppression. His outlook on nationalism seems much broader than other scholars. This particular reference virtually sums up many scholars definitions together. Alter does not seem to have a specific argument on nationalism, as in civic vs. ethnic or western vs. eastern but just an acceptance that nationalism could be based on all of these argum ents. Again, Alter says, It can mean emancipation, and it can mean oppressionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ dangers as well as opportunities. There is no precise argument when he tries to define nationalism even though he does have the idea that nationalism is directly related to a political force. Alter also states that nationalism was important to shaping Europe, but most scholars agree with that statement to begin with. Scholar Ernest Gellner states that, nationalism is primarily a political principle that holds that the political and the national unit should be congruent. Gellner has been considered the father of nationalism studies and was a teacher of Anthony Smith. Although most scholars would agree that nationalism appeared after the French Revolution, Gellner further argues that nationalism became a sociological necessity in the modern world. His argument is similar to the uniqueness of Benedict Andersons printed literature theory, but Gellner focuses more on the industrialization of work and cultural modernization to explain how nationalism expanded. Gellner believes that states only exist where there is division of labour, therefore the state comes before nationalism ( Like other scholars, Gellner believes that nationalism is a political force. There are many criticisms to Ernest Gellners theory, including Anthony Smith sayin g, It misreads the relationship between nationalism and industrialization (Smith 1998). Historian John Breuilly defends a more modern theory of nationalism. He concludes, The rise of the modern state system provides the institutional context within which an ideology of nationalism is necessary. Breuilly argues that the process of state modernization provides an important factor in understanding historical signs of nationalism ( Breuilly argues that nationalism does not have much to do with ethnicity or ethnic background, rather more to do with political motivation. This is not the first scholar who believed that ethnic background had nothing to do with nationalism. In fact, Breuillys definition relates well to Gellner in the sense that they both argue for political motivation. Nationalists are seen to create their own ideology out of their own subjective sense of national culture. (John Breuilly, Nationalism and the State (Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1982). This particular quote is quite similar to Andersons imagined political community theory. Breuilly does not support the ethnic side of nationalism nearly as much as others and, like Benedict Anderson favors nationalism as just a political force. Breuilly criticizes most scholars due to the fact that they believe in national culture because he believes there is no such thing. He believes that the political component of nationalism is by far the most important. Michael Hechter defines nationalism as a, collective action designed to render the boundaries of the nation congruent with those of its governance unit (M. Hechter, Containing Nationalism, 2000). He further explains, Nation and governance can be made congruent by enacting exclusive policies that limit full membership in the polity to individuals from on one more favoured nations. In Hechters book, Containing Nationalism, he expresses his belief that the reason nationalism occurs is because of self-determination. Hechter explains how there are two different types of nationalism. The first one is sort of the ideology of freedom and he gives the example of the French Revolution. The second form is xenophobic or even goes as far as genocide (Hechter, Containing Nationalism, 2000). This explains where the different views of nationalism come in; civic vs. ethnic or eastern vs. western. Most importantly, Hechter defines many specific forms of nationalism to go beyond his original definition . These definitions include: state-building nationalism, peripheral nationalism, irredentist nationalism, and unification nationalism. (Hechter, Michael. Containing Nationalism. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2000). Each scholars definition seems to have its own uniqueness to it; from Anthony Smiths ethnic nationalism. SIMILARTIES AND DIFFERENCES Political, cultural, ethnic, civic, eastern, western Summary Vast diversity of aims and aspirations, including unification, separation, cultural/linguistic preservation, territorial expansion, protection of external co-nationals, overthrow of foreign domination, establishment of national homeland Vast diversity of forms and styles, from aggressive and militaristic to peaceable and inward-looking Nationalism is inherently particularistic, but at the same time constitutes an ideology of general application People can not agree on the definitionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
How Cinema and Theater Convey Pleasure in the Acts of Search and Lust E
How Cinema and Theater Convey Pleasure in the Acts of Search and Lust In her essay, â€Å"Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema†, British film maker Laura Mulvey attempts to demystify how pleasure can be fulfilled in film. Contending that a pleasure in looking (scopohilia) and a pleasure in possessing the female as what to be looked at (voyeurism) fufills the audience’s desires, Mulvey suggests how filmmakers use this knowledge to create film that panders to our innate desires. In â€Å"Meshes of the Afternoon†by Maya Deren and â€Å"Vertigo†by Alfred Hitchcock, it is seen that Mulvey’s argumentâ€â€the desire to look, the hunting, seeking, and watching, and harnessing of the female form is natural human desire. Deren and Hitchcock will use entirely different techniques to achieve that sense of fulfillment for the audience. But how does this watching and looking translate in to the written word? In â€Å"The Winter’s Tale†by William Shakespeare, we will see the ideas approached by Mulvey an d the themes used by Hitchcock and Deren utilized to create a sense of looking and objectifying the woman in the absence of the screen. Through this paper, the concepts of pleasure for Mulvey will be shown to have applicability not only in cinema but in art in far more universal terms. First, a discussion of pleasure and Mulvey’s definition of it will allow for clearer understanding as to what this fulfillment actually is. Secondly, Vertigo will be examinedâ€â€as an example of â€Å"mainstream film†utilizing the ideas of scopophila and voyeurism in a perfect balance. Scottie and his search will then be contrasted with Leontes of Shakespeare’s Winter’s Tale, where again desires will be balanced in harmony with Mulvey’s principles. It is to become clear through... ...wrongâ€â€the film version goes so far as to have characters cheating to the camera, informing the viewer of what is fact. The innate desire to seek and find is still clear in â€Å"The Winter’s Tale†. However, Leontes stubborn arrogance allows a sexually charged voyeuristic desire to surface, at no point more clear than when Hermione stands as a statue in the final sceneâ€â€an object, a creation. The focus is on her form, her featuresâ€â€Hermione as an image and representation of the desire to be voyeuristic. While Shakespeare doesn’t have the cinematic luxuries of lighting and shadow at his disposal, he proves that Mulvey’s argument that desire is expressed in voyeuristic and scopophiliac fashion, but also that these innate desires of an audience transcend mediums and can in fact be fulfilled and appreciated in written form as much as within the intricacies of modern film. How Cinema and Theater Convey Pleasure in the Acts of Search and Lust E How Cinema and Theater Convey Pleasure in the Acts of Search and Lust In her essay, â€Å"Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema†, British film maker Laura Mulvey attempts to demystify how pleasure can be fulfilled in film. Contending that a pleasure in looking (scopohilia) and a pleasure in possessing the female as what to be looked at (voyeurism) fufills the audience’s desires, Mulvey suggests how filmmakers use this knowledge to create film that panders to our innate desires. In â€Å"Meshes of the Afternoon†by Maya Deren and â€Å"Vertigo†by Alfred Hitchcock, it is seen that Mulvey’s argumentâ€â€the desire to look, the hunting, seeking, and watching, and harnessing of the female form is natural human desire. Deren and Hitchcock will use entirely different techniques to achieve that sense of fulfillment for the audience. But how does this watching and looking translate in to the written word? In â€Å"The Winter’s Tale†by William Shakespeare, we will see the ideas approached by Mulvey an d the themes used by Hitchcock and Deren utilized to create a sense of looking and objectifying the woman in the absence of the screen. Through this paper, the concepts of pleasure for Mulvey will be shown to have applicability not only in cinema but in art in far more universal terms. First, a discussion of pleasure and Mulvey’s definition of it will allow for clearer understanding as to what this fulfillment actually is. Secondly, Vertigo will be examinedâ€â€as an example of â€Å"mainstream film†utilizing the ideas of scopophila and voyeurism in a perfect balance. Scottie and his search will then be contrasted with Leontes of Shakespeare’s Winter’s Tale, where again desires will be balanced in harmony with Mulvey’s principles. It is to become clear through... ...wrongâ€â€the film version goes so far as to have characters cheating to the camera, informing the viewer of what is fact. The innate desire to seek and find is still clear in â€Å"The Winter’s Tale†. However, Leontes stubborn arrogance allows a sexually charged voyeuristic desire to surface, at no point more clear than when Hermione stands as a statue in the final sceneâ€â€an object, a creation. The focus is on her form, her featuresâ€â€Hermione as an image and representation of the desire to be voyeuristic. While Shakespeare doesn’t have the cinematic luxuries of lighting and shadow at his disposal, he proves that Mulvey’s argument that desire is expressed in voyeuristic and scopophiliac fashion, but also that these innate desires of an audience transcend mediums and can in fact be fulfilled and appreciated in written form as much as within the intricacies of modern film.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Is ‘Lord of the Flies’ a completely pessimistic novel Essay
Goldings novel Lord of the Flies is not a totally pessimistic novel; hence this is not the only reason that it was refused by so many publishers. It is evident that although it has strong pessimism throughout the text, it is not without a brighter side. Thus, pessimism could not be at fault for the publishers lack of interest in the text as there are other grounds for their judgment. The Oxford English dictionary defines pessimism as:1.lack of hope or confidence in the future. 2.a belief that this world is as bad as it could be or that evil will ultimately prevail over good. So is Lord of the Flies a totally pessimistic novel? Well judging by the definition of pessimism, this theme is indeed strongly evident throughout the text, yet it is a far cry from being totally pessimistic as such. The novel explores mankinds potential for evil as it illustrates a number of irresponsible, malicious and violent acts performed by mere schoolboys due to the situations in which they are placed in. Maybe its only us . . . Says Simon as the idea of the beastie being only the darkness within one another hits him. Though almost every character becomes a savage (as Golding describes them), some characters represent the better aspects of human nature. Ralph represents democracy and order as he is put in power by a democratic vote, attempts to please the majority and has his eyes set upon the boys salvation off the island throughout almost all the novel. Piggy represents logic and intelligence as he is thought of the thinker and is arguably the most rational boy in the group. Simon represents natural goodness as he is the only character to continue doing what is right whilst all the other boys fall into savagery. The novel progresses with significant losses taking place; whether it is a physical loss or a conceptual loss, as Simon dies, symbolising the loss of truth, giving him a Christ-like allusion; Piggy dies, symbolising the loss of intelligence, rational thinking and civilization as the conch is destroyed along with him. However, the book ends with not a totally tragic ending as the boys are finally rescued; contradicting the definition of pessimism as being lack of hope or confidence in the future, thus proving that this text does indeed have a silver lining. So if this novel is not totally pessimistic, what other reasons would publishers have to refuse it? Well, publishers do not necessarily choose books which they believe are good, but choose books which they believe would sell well. As Lord of the Flies was written in the early 1950s, religion and morality were much more delicate issues than they are today, thus the publishers believed that this novel would not agree with the general public. Allusions to the Bible can be found throughout the text as the themes of the original sin and falling from innocence are evident throughout. In fact, Golding initially describes the island as being a paradise, like Eden, until the boys slowly turn toward savagery and the descriptions are filled with pathetic fallacy showing the darker side of nature, such as when thunder is used to symbolise incoming conflict. The boys then begin to enter into conflict with one another, which points towards the story of the original sin in Genesis, and as religion was such a delicate issue at this time; the book was deemed as unacceptable in the early 1950s. The theme of potential evil within all of mankind is consistent throughout the text as each of the boys gradually move towards a more savage, (and later on) barbaric way of life. The idea of there being a beastie on the island is concocted by an innocent littlun (who was possibly just scared of being without an adult guardian), but this idea is then morphed into a kind of myth as each of the boys, including the biguns, begin to fear the bestie. Jack and his tribe stick a pigs head upon a stick and sacrifice it to the beastie in hopes that it will not harm them as they have attempted to pacify it. Simon then hears from the pigs head Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill! which suggests the beastie was more an idea or concept rather than a physical being. However, as Simon tries to bring the truth to the boys, he is killed; much like Christ was when he aspired to bring the truth to his people. The concept of there being an evil force within all of us, and the additional religious connotations were possibly deemed to be unpopular among the general public. Lord of the Flies is not a totally pessimistic novel; therefore this cannot be the reason to it being rejected by so many publishers. The publishers rejected it due to their views on it being too scandalous and inappropriate to reveal to the public, as is shown above. Bibliography: The Oxford English dictionary’Lord of the Flies’ – William Golding
US Military Scandal
Weber Miscarried University In today's world a topic that is becoming more popular by numerous infamous scandals is that of business ethics. With companies and businesses alike now realizing that their consumers care about how the operations work in the company can affect their sales they are becoming more aware of how to run operations ethically.Although it is every groups goal to run plans ethically there are still many instances in which they fall short of this bar, whether it be because of greedy influences or being unaware of the laws it is a dilemma that must be approached wisely and handle with care. While most scandals involve a corporation or business while scanning the Internet I came across one that really caught my attention, a scandal within the US Military about cheating on tests, drug use, and the mishandling of missiles.First news broke about this scandal in early January when the Air Force reported its open investigation of unknown exam cheating and scandals involvi ng multiple officers in charge of our country nuclear forces. This recent scandal is one that was roughs to attention after the Air Force was investigating a non-related drug scandal at 6 other bases. This should come as a great concern to all people living in the US, for these are the generals and officers who are responsible for controlling the 450 nuclear missiles and fate of our country.When further looked into it was found that 34 officers, all high class lieutenants or captains, were somehow involved in this scandal, some who were either caught cheating on the monthly proficiency tests or those that were aware of what was going on and did not report the actions. Along tit these accusations it was made clear by Air Force officials that two of the suspected officers also had relations regarding illegal drug use with an officer from an air base in Wyoming.Being one of the most structured and toughest parts of the defense forces to get into the Air Force is not taking this situati on lightly as nuclear launch officers have no room for error handling such dangerous and destructive weapons. ‘The root of all this madness is still unknown but there has been one major discharge of a commander from the Base at Minot because it was seen that there as a â€Å"loss of confidence†in his leadership skills as well as the firing of a commander in charge of training missile crews after a large number of launch officers did poorly on tests.This is not the first scandal that the Air Force has faced after an incident in 2008 where the past secretary of defense Robert M. Gates fired a top general and civilian leader after a crew made a cross-country Journey unaware that 6 missiles on board were armed with nuclear warheads. The major dilemma in all this is these people are supposed to be the ones we as citizens look up to and protect our country et when we read news like this it really hinders our idea of what safety really is.With such difficult guidelines, laws, and requirements it is amazing that such a scandal would be present in an area as important as the protection and well being of the United States as a country, but also goes to show that scandals and dilemmas are present in every aspect of this world no matter what the subject at hand. US Defense Secretary Chuck Haggle has not taken lightly to this situation as he explained that he is â€Å"deeply troubled†by the slue of military scandals in recent months (Talisman, 2014).In January when becoming fully aware of all the problems inside the Air Force and military as a whole Haggle forced a review of operations which also included the Navy. In shear numbers 30 senior instructors have been accused of sharing answer sheets to nuclear qualification tests and 1,200 Navy soldiers, 200 of which were officers, took part in a long-term scheme involving fraudulent recruiting in order to collect roughly $100 million in promised recruiting payments (Talisman, 2014). Hazel's biggest worry is that none of this is by accident and is all a result of unethical behavior by people in uniform†.He along with many others believe that this is an issue that should be put on the top of the list and needs close attention and although it only involves a small number of those in service it is a matter of integrity that he wishes the forces can maintain regardless of those few who disobeyed the law. I felt that this issue was handled greatly and will continue to be throughout the rest of the investigation. Haggle understands the importance of the well being of the country and is not going to let this be something that could be the season for our downfall.Although investigations may take more than a year to complete I trust the decision of the Secretary of Defense as he made if the first problem to be addressed when regarding the military. If this were the situation for a company or business I think that they would have handled it the exact same way, firstly be removing those that were involved or believed to be involved in the problem. Second course of action would be getting down to the bottom of the problem and finding the source, which were ultimately the loosely supervised exams restored by senior leaders and lieutenants.After finding who was to blame for these faults it became evident that those people were to be interviewed immensely for why they took the course of actions they did. A document regarding this even went as far as saying that the â€Å"group testing†was viewed as â€Å"taking care of each other†and easing the pressure as the officers felt they needed a perfect score on the exams (Burns, 2014). So in the end I think this is being handled effectively and that it should have been done in no other manner.Although it is evident that this can instill a lot of fear in the eyes of those who live in this great country the military wanted to make it apparent that there was no evidence that the recent problems lead to mishandlin g of nuclear weapons or Jeopardized any citizens safety. Following this event it will be interesting to see how it progresses as the investigation continues with the interviewing of many officers and those involved in the scandal. Being that the scandal involves nuclear weapons I am curious to see if there will be any new laws or regulations that will be put in place during such vents such as exams and testing.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Perks of Being a Wallflower Novel Analysis
Worksheet: Novel analysis Title: The Perks of Being a Wallflower Author: Stephen Chbosky Genre: Epistolary novel Nationality: American The publication year: 1999 Information about the author: Stephen Chbosky was born January 25th in 1970. He is an American writer and film director, and is best known for The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Stephen was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is of Polish, Slovak, Irish and Scottish descent. Chbosky graduated in 1988 from Upper St. Clair High School. The story: The narrator of the novel is a teenage boy by the alias Charlie.He tells his story through a series of letters he writes to an anonymous â€Å"friend†he heard about at school and thought would be a nice person to write to, based on the fact that he or she reportedly hadn’t slept with someone at a party despite having the opportunity to do so. Charlie explains his fears, problems joys and secrets to this stranger. The story starts by Charlie telling about his anxieties ab out starting High School the next day. He tells about how his life has been after one of his friends committed suicide, and after his favourite aunt, Helen, died. Charlie is a socially awkward boy.He doesn’t really know how to interact with people his age. He is what we call a â€Å"Wallflower†; someone who’s always on the side, observing others, never being in the centre of things. While struggling with insecurities, friendships and his family, a couple of High school seniors, Patrick and Sam, befriend him, and brings him into their little group. His new friends expose him to a new world of sex, drugs, love, patries, death, relationships, friendship, lying, and culpability. Throughout the novel, Charlie is changed from an innocent wallflower whose life was digging his ose in books, to an adventurous person who learns that life should be lived not watched. A sub story to what happens in this book is also that Charlie’s teacher from advanced English class keeps assigning him books to read and then write reports on. He only does this with Charlie. (Being a â€Å"wallflower†: an ability to observe from the sideline and understand things. ) I think the theme of this book is that active participation is better than passive, and that you should live your life and participate and pursue your dreams rather than stand on the sidelines and watch the action. This story also covers topics like adolescence, drug use etc.Some quotes to support my opinion of the theme: â€Å"Do you always think this much Charlie? †â€Å"Is that bad? †â€Å"Not necessarily, It’s just that sometimes people use thought to not participate in life. †â€Å"Is that bad? †â€Å"Yes. †â€Å"Maybe these are my glory days, and I’m not even realizing it because they don’t involve a ball. †I liked this novel a lot because it portrays the confusion of being a teenager, the stigma of being â€Å"weirdâ € and â€Å"different†than others, how the things that happen to us during childhood have a way of never leaving us and because it tells us that life is to be spent living, not dreaming of it.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
See word Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
See word - Assignment Example It is also important to note that the ideas came naturally to him and like other extroverts he tends to think while speaking. This quality made Steve Jobs as one of the important persons in information technology field to communicate ideas easily with others. A key aspect of Steve Jobs personality was the combination of rationality with that of the designs and aesthetics. He was probably the key source behind the fact that Apple was able to manufacture and develop products which were combination of the rationality as well as the imagination and rationale. His idea of work was relatively consistent with that rationality as he was not considered as a narrow minded and have a clear vision of the future. It was also natural for him to actually conceive long term plans and act on them easily. Rationalists are considered as visionary as well as practical in nature and both these qualities were present in Steve Jobs. He was able to visualize the future and made products and services which changed the future of computing and entertainment. However, he was also practical in the sense that he was able to successfully market those ideas and convert them into successful products. He was not considered as a judgmental in nature as over the period of time, he was able to develop the ability to present both views about any argument. He was able to clearly advocate different and opposite ideas therefore may not be considered as judgmental in nature. According to Myers-Briggs, perceivers actually show the world their preferred perceiving function i.e. their intuition side therefore they tend to be more visionary in nature and have entrepreneurial abilities. The above discussion suggests that Steve Jobs was one of the ENTJ and have all the qualities which can be found in a person who is open, easy to communicate rich and have a vision for
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Discuss the Explain the view that the dependence of developing Essay
Discuss the Explain the view that the dependence of developing economies on agriculture condemns them to remaining among the worlds poorest nations, Discuss th - Essay Example Cash crops in developing countries are mainly for exports and some of these products include coffee, tea and cocoa, however the oversupply of these products in the global market leads to low prices, high competition in the global market also leads to the low prices of these products. Subsistent crops are produced for the purpose of domestic consumption and the surplus is sold in the local markets, however the products are usually perishables and due to lack of good infrastructure and communication networks products do not reach the market where prices would have been high. The production of both cash crops and subsistence crops is important in these developing countries, cash crops are grown for the purpose of export while the subsistence crops are for local production, however these countries mostly produce the cash crops in large quantities in order to export although these goods do not yield sustainable incomes for the country to develop, there is need to diversify these products. Many developing countries are faced with natural disasters such as draughts and floods, this cause them to import food from other countries when such disasters occur, they lack food security programs that ensure that in years of over production the surplus is stored and these therefore contribute to food shortages, these importation of food products from other countries results to unfavourable balance of payment and unsustainable debts, therefore there is need to initiate a food security program and also an import substitution strategy. Falling food prices in the long term Due to the overproduction of agricultural products leading to high supply levels, the prices of food products falls even to levels below the cost of production, these leads to underdevelopment in the agricultural sector where farmers avoid overproduction of products. Price stabilisation The developing countries
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