How to write a letter essay
King Arthur Research Paper Topics
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Aviation Inspection and Maintenance System Research Paper
Flying Inspection and Maintenance System - Research Paper Example 996), since the start of the FAA guideline conspire, FAA support work force have been required to be certificated so as to perform different undertakings in holding airplanes under fix and airworthy. Besides, there are different mechanics that are allowed review approval by FAA to perform required assessments on all airplanes working in the national airspace (Eichenberger, 1996). Besides, government aeronautics guidelines have been set up to control upkeep and assessments and characterize working impediments for airplanes having various types of accreditations (FAA, 2008). The government flying guidelines give five guideline alternatives that ought to be adjusted by all the airplanes working in US airspace. These are the nonstop airworthiness review program, investigation program utilized via air taxi administrator, assessment program utilized via air travel club, a manufacturer’s examination program and some other assessment program created by the proprietor and affirmed by t he executive (King, 1986). As per Patankar and Taylor (2004), to decrease the aeronautics dangers, flying upkeep procedure ought to advance the commitment of individuals and data through specialized help. Be that as it may, Garland et al. (1999) demonstrate that human factors, for example, the individual contrasts of aeronautics reviewers affect the procedure of investigation and support of avionics offices and hardware. A few variables brought about event of this mishap. One of the key variables is the disappointment of an airport regulation framework to encourage the dispersal of key, accessible breeze data to the air traffic controllers and the pilots because of poor support. For this situation, both the pilot and the traffic controllers didn't know about the nearness and impact of the blasting breeze that was being competent at the air terminal. Unmistakably if the two knew they could have decided to postpone the flight or could have picked another runway and the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Californias Cultural Evolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Californias Cultural Evolution - Essay Example There are numerous written works romanticizing the wealth of its development yet the reality remains that these social gatherings were trackers and gatherers with some previously having some similarity to horticultural information. At the point when the Spaniards accompanied their blades and their cross, the bow and bolt using locals had to become 'edified' which represented adjusting and fitting their traditions and propensities as per European culture. The Native Americans who were vanquished before long became small scale Spaniards since they moved their convictions and customs to copy those of the colonizers and in particular, they exchanged their local tongue for Spanish words. Albeit numerous local gatherings which were disregarded continued their chasing and assembling direction, a large portion of the occupants of California have become horticulturally situated particularly with the foundation of Ranchos. These territories were where steers and sheep were raised. It was conceded by the Spanish and Mexican systems to support settlement. The residential creatures before long became significant fares, for example, dairy animals covers up and fat used to make candles and cleansers. In addition to the fact that they were influenced in language and method of resource, they additionally encountered the strict change that had become the sign of Spanish settlements. This was because of the California Missions which saw the development strict stations of significant orders of Christian religion, for example, the Dominicans and the Jesuits. These missions were additionally the road through which European domesticated animals, organic products, vegetables and industry entered the California locale. From their old arrangement of animistic convictions, which others in the past would call as agnostic, the Native Americans became Christian fundamentally on the grounds that they had no real option except to use to the interests of the colonizers who had predominant arms. The Gold Rush Mexicans disrupted the Spanish norm just to be supplanted by Americans during the Mexican-American War in 1846. American mastery prepared for the event of occasions which would profoundly change the general public of California. Two years after the American victory of California, gold was found at Sutter's Mill in the Sierra Nevada lower regions. The disclosure prompted an amazing occasion in California's history and is relevantly named as the Gold Rush. With the disclosure came a departure of diggers, traders and brokers into the district. It was assessed that in 1855, around 300,000 Forty-Niners or those wanting to get a bit of gold showed up in the district. California saw an abrupt ascent in settlements particularly along San Francisco Bay. The noteworthiness of the Gold Rush was that it changed the once in the past horticultural area to a mining and benefit arranged society however agribusiness was as yet a vital part. This had the impact of getting money to the district in this way supporting a blast in frameworks and improvements in lodging and training. The foreigners were in no way, shape or form ignorant and undeveloped. Actually, they were profoundly gifted and prepared in their calling. The settlers had information as teamsters, draymen, lighter men, riggers, stevedores, cooks,
Friday, August 21, 2020
Cisco Products and Specific Customer Groups
In August of 2001, only months after Cisco System detailed its first misfortune an open organization ($ 2. 7 billion), John Chambers, president and CEO, declared a significant rebuilding that would change Cisco from a decentralized activity composed around client gatherings to a unified one concentrated on innovations. This rebuilding not just gambled destabilizing the enormous, complex association during a financial downturn, yet more significantly, undermined Cisco’s capacity to remain client engaged, a sign of the company’s culture and accomplishment since its first item was made in 1986.In request to keep up correspondence and animate progressing joint effort among the recently free useful territories, Cisco presented coordination components that empower the organizations to remain client centered. Presentation John Chambers became president and CEO of Cisco Systems in 1995. Through the span of the following quite a long while, the choices he made and the progressio ns he executed tested conventional strategic approaches, and brought about mind blowing development for the organization. At the point when Chambers originally began, Cisco was creating yearly incomes of $2. 2 billion; only six years after the fact, the organization was producing yearly incomes of $22.3 billion.All of those outcomes, in any case, were compromised in the 2001 market downturn. Prior in the year, the touchy development in the deals of equipment supporting the Internet started to give genuine indications of easing back down, and Cisco Systems, similar to the remainder of the innovation business, was confronting the repercussions of the death of the Internet blast and the main monetary downturn in over 10 years. New businesses, which had delighted in the advantages of a light securities exchange, and media communications organizations started decreasing their overextended IT and system budgets.As an aftereffect of the falling interest, Cisco declared its first misfortune as an open organization ($2. 69 billion) in the financial quarter finished April 28, 2001 and cut 18% of its workforce. In August, Chambers reported a significant authoritative rebuilding that would change Cisco from a decentralized activity concentrated on explicit client gatherings to a brought together one concentrated on advances. While perceiving that a unified, useful structure was important to stay away from item and asset redundancies, Chambers additionally understood that it gambled making the organization less client focused.At the hour of the declaration, Chambers affirmed that Cisco’s client driven culture would counterbalance this downside, yet he realized that increasingly should have been done to guarantee that an association as extensive as Cisco would remain client focusedâ€technology organizations basically couldn't stand to lose 1 sight of the client. Chambers knew then that he expected to actualize a formal, crossfunctional structure that would stay wi th the in contact with its clients. Chambers ended up considering an eager thought that, whenever executed, could change the two his organization and ordinary authoritative strategy.He attested that if Cisco actualized a crossfunctional arrangement of official level advisory groups, or committees, that cultivated a culture of cooperation and coordinated effort that the organization could scale past what any other person thought conceivable. The advantages were clearâ€the cross-practical committees would bring the pioneers of various capacities together to team up and center around the requirements and issues of explicit client gatherings. Cisco could appreciate the advantages of being a useful association while holding its client centricity. In any case, actualizing such a framework would be difficult.Many different organizations had recently fizzled at encouraging joint effort across capacities, particularly enormous associations, for example, Cisco. Chambers started asking hims elf inquiries. Would Cisco’s workers, a considerable lot of whom were acclimated with an order and-control framework, acknowledge a progressively community model? Would they be able to work in such a framework, even with preparing? Would a cross-useful framework work in such an enormous utilitarian association? Besides, if Cisco pushed ahead with this thought, what number of boards ought to be shaped? How enormous would it be a good idea for them to be? Who might sit on and seat them?Where would the dynamic force live? Lastly, how could a framework be actualized without making a lattice association that would block dynamic and produce struggle? These were terrifically significant inquiries, a large number of which for Chambers didn't yet have answers. They were additionally questions that would dishearten most officials from taking the risk. All things considered, Chambers comprehended Cisco’s workers and realized what they were prepared to do. He additionally realized that in the event that they could succeed, the organization would turn out to be much more grounded monetarily and organizationally.With 2002 drawing nearer, and the authoritative rebuilding previously being actualized now was an ideal opportunity to act. Market Transformation Despite the difficulties introduced by the 2001 market downturn, Cisco conquered the abrupt drop in item request. Truth be told, the organization turned out to be considerably more grounded after the downturn. Before the finish of July 2007, Cisco was creating more than $30 billion in income and utilizing 61,535 representatives around the world. Cisco’s all out income for FY 2007 ($34. 9 billion) was an expansion of roughly 23% over FY 2006 revenue’s of $28. 5 billion.Net Income was $7. 3 billion GAAP and $8.4 billion non-GAAP, while Earnings per Share was $1. 17 GAAP (increment of 31% year over year) and $1. 34 non-GAAP (increment of 22% year over year). Some portion of Cisco’s post-down turn strength and achievement was the aftereffect of a change in its market center and item contributions. Indications of this change were apparent in no time before the downturn, when Cisco put resources into its first far reaching publicizing effort, including TV and print, that posed the inquiry, â€Å"Are You Ready? †with the objective of raising customer familiarity with its systems administration gear business and its arrangements to interface Internet clients with its switches and switches.Because Cisco understood that it couldn't exclusively depend after existing interest, the organization started differentiating the items it offered and who it was offering those items to. By 2007, Cisco had effectively ventured into trend setting innovations, for example, bound together correspondences, remote neighborhood, home systems administration, application organizing administrations, arrange security, stockpiling 2 zone systems administration, and video frameworks. These cut ting edge innovations brought about the development of Cisco’s endeavor (huge business) and specialist co-op segments.For occurrence, by 2007, in excess of 8 million bound together IP telephones had been introduced around the world (Cisco was the piece of the pie head in the venture voice commercial center); Cisco’s Catalyst 6500, a highperformance measured switch that combines server farm, grounds, and wide-territory organize in a solitary framework, outperformed $20 billion in deals; and Cisco’s undertaking client introduced base as of late outperformed the 3 million remote passages achievement. 3 Cisco was likewise ready to effectively coordinate the previously mentioned trend setting innovations with its center directing and exchanging advances in items, for example, its Integrated Services Routers.Additionally, Cisco reported in June 2007 that it had delivered 900 of its Carrier Routing System (CRS-1), which gave nonstop framework activity to media communic ations specialist co-ops and research associations, since its presentation in 2004. Cisco asserted that clients comprehended the administration, absolute expense of possession, adaptability, and speculation insurance focal points they would get when they introduced a Cisco item, which was intended to permit clients to effectively and cost-successfully include marketleading voice, information, security, remote, and different capacities to their current Cisco networks.This methodology separated Cisco from a large number of its rivals, which are generally present in just a couple of item classes or client portions, and regularly don't coordinate their items from an engineering viewpoint. In a phone call examining Q4 and FY 2007 money related outcomes, Chambers remarked on the significance of this parity and incorporation: â€Å"We accept that there are various variables that are one of a kind to Cisco’s capacity to grow.First is our interesting parity across more than two dozen item zones, four client fragments, and across major created and developing countries†¦From an item point of view, we approach the market with a start to finish design where the items are first freely then firmly coordinated together, instead of concentrating on singular switches, switches, security, remote, stockpiling, bound together interchanges, or other independent items. Notwithstanding differentiating its item and administration contributions, Cisco changed its market center by finding new development openings in creating economies.Because Chambers realized these open doors would not get the consideration they required from standard geographic deals inclusion, he made another deals â€Å"theater†called Emerging Markets, which included 138 nations around the globe, paying little heed to area. Rather than each performance center having a few developing markets in their portfolio saw as low needs, all the developing markets were brought together into one auditorium with similar assets and desires for different theaters. While a few deals pioneers worked all through the developing markets, one deals senior VP (SVP) was at last liable for every theater.Members of the Emerging Markets deals group met with government and business pioneers in different nations to talk about â€Å"how Cisco could enable their nations to build up a more grounded economy through Internet access to training, human services, and business opportunities†. These and different endeavors all through the venue paid offâ€growth for FY 2007 in Cisco’s Emerging Markets theater was 40%, the most elevated development pace of every one of the five theaters (e. g. North America; Eur
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Persuasive Essay Topics For Fifth Graders
Persuasive Essay Topics For Fifth GradersGood writing skills can make or break your persuasive essay topics for fifth graders. This is a very important age group in terms of tests, career choices, and other life decisions. With so many obstacles to the future, you should make your writing abilities shine through.Writing is an important learning time in the education of young minds. Think of it as teaching a student how to be successful in the world. So, to make your writing skills more impressive, choose a topic that will hold their attention. Keep in mind the way your students learn and apply what they learn in their own lives.It's always difficult for 5th graders to decide what topics are meaningful. One of the reasons is because they will be reading from works of fiction and fairy tales. That is why most of them will focus on a few of these topics, such as business, politics, or sports.The main goal of your article or essay is to make your essay interesting and add an element of y our personality. In other words, you want to use the persuasive essay topics to help your students learn how to make and choose their own decisions. Persuasive topics give you the opportunity to show them the importance of the topic.Writing an informative and interesting article topic will not only show them the value of the topic, but also shows them how to determine if it is a worthwhile topic. Because of this, you want to choose a topic that they find exciting. In other words, you want to use the persuasive essay topics to show them that they should be excited about the topic.When writing an interesting article for fifth graders, try to keep it short and simple. Try to stick to the subject, writing something like 'Soccer brings families together'. These are short and simple sentences that will easily appeal to fifth graders.A great way to use these essays is to give your fifth graders some extra educational material. When giving them a resource, try to find a topic that will appe al to them and ask them to read it.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Effect Of Artificial Intelligence On The Medical Industry
Influence of Artificial Intelligence in the Medical Industry Artificial intelligence is defined as the development of computer systems to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. In the scientific industry, artificial intelligence is used to assist surgeons in surgery, called robotic surgery and is most likely to become the most dominant form of surgery. Robot assisted surgery has been prevalent for about ten years now, and is becoming popular in many industries. From an aeronautical point of view, NASA is implementing robotic surgery for astronauts in space, in case of emergencies. From a military standpoint, the Pentagon is investing their time in a project to create surgical robots to perform medical operations on soldiers on the battlefield. To enhance the medical industry, Google and Johnson and Johnson teamed up to develop surgical robots that use artificial intelligence. This could potentially change the way hospitals function in the future. In reference to artificial intelligence influencing surgery, these include, but a re not limited to an improvement in dexterity, surgeon related benefits, and patient related benefits. These specific areas have been scientifically researched and proven to be affected by artificial intelligence through extensive studies, experiments, and evidence. Overall, artificial intelligence in terms of robotic surgery has its pros and cons, but all in all, robotic surgery has shown to have a positive effect in the medicalShow MoreRelatedArtificial Intelligence : Robotic Surgery1202 Words  | 5 PagesArtificial intelligence is defined as the development of computer systems to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. In the scientific industry, artificial intelligence is used to assist surgeons in surgery, referred to as robotic surgery, and is most likely to become the most dominant form of surgery. Robot assisted surgery has been prevalent for about ten years now, and is becoming popular in many industries. In aeronautics, NASA is implementing robotic surg ery for astronauts inRead MoreIntroduction To Weakness Artificial Intelligence1060 Words  | 5 Pages301 October 10, 2017 Over the past decade, Artificial intelligence has grown to become a prominent element in the technological world and continues to expand rapidly. Artificial intelligence, defined by, is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. Artificial intelligence has advanced far enough to the capability ofRead MoreThe Controversy of Artificial Intelligence1476 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout its history, artificial intelligence has always been a topic with much controversy. Should human intelligence be mimicked? If so, are there ethical bounds on what computers should be programmed to do? These are a couple of question that surround the artificial intelligence controversy. This paper will discuss the pros and cons of artificial intelligence so that you will be able to make an educated decision on the issue. What is Artificial Intelligence? The first step in getting anywhereRead MoreDisadvantages Of Artificial Intelligence1603 Words  | 7 PagesArtificial Intelligence Introduction Artificial intelligence is the study and development of enabling computer and machine technology to learn, simulate intelligence, use logic, and perform tasks that are typically performed by humans. Artificial intelligence is an area of research that has been prone to controversy. Researchers are conflicted in regards to whether artificial intelligence is beneficial. Some believe that it will help solve many societal issues, others fear that it will cause furtherRead MoreA Research On Artificial Intelligence1338 Words  | 6 Pagesinformation, and act in a human-like way. Artificial Intelligence has many uses across many fields, especially in the field of Medicine. Early on in the field, many scientists and doctors believed that robots controlled by sophisticated AI would be able to surpass clinicians. â€Å"With such motivations, a small but talented community of computer scientists and healthcare professionals set about shaping a research program for a new discipline called Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIM). These researchersRead MoreThe Age Of Artificial Intelligence1418 Words  | 6 PagesJennie Nguyen Ms.Decker Honors English IV 24 Sept. 2015 The Age of Artificial Intelligence â€Å"Intelligence is described as the ability to adapt to new environments and situations and being able to understand consequences and effects that your actions cause. This is something that all living creatures have in some way or another. Animals can adapt to their environments and react to interference, and plants do the same. Human intelligence, however, is in an entirely different ball park. With the upriseRead MoreEssay On Artificial Intelligence738 Words  | 3 PagesArtificial intelligence is a beneficial form of technology used daily by humans around the world, and is widespread across society. It is used in almost every field of our lives, from our phones, to our food, and is devoted to making our day-to-day life easier. However, there is much debate worldwide about whether this technology is truly beneficial or not for society, as some choose to believe that it is doing more harm than good. Artificial intelligence (AI) is usually defined as the scienceRead MoreEssa y about Social And Ethical Impact Of Artificial Intelligence1370 Words  | 6 Pagesthousands of years, from stories of Pygmalion to the tales of the Jewish Golem. Anat Treister-Goren, Ph.D. ( The concepts of the development of artificial intelligence can be traced as far back as ancient Greece. Even something as small as the abacus has in someway led to the idea of artificial intelligence. However, one of the biggest breakthroughs in the area of AI is when computers were invented. Many encyclopaedias and other reference works state that the first large-scaleRead MoreSocial and Ethical Impact of Artificial Intelligence Essay examples1503 Words  | 7 PagesContents Introduction III History III What is Artificial Intelligence? III Social and Ethical Issues Associated with Artificial Intelligence IV Part I Social Impact of Artificial Intelligence IV Part II Advantages IV Part III Disadvantages IV Ethical Impact of Artificial Intelligence V Conclusion VI Bibliography VII Introduction As our world expands through the growing abilities and applications of computersRead MorePatent Violations Among High Tech Companies3019 Words  | 13 Pagescompanies have increasingly become popular in this industry, as fact that is not common in other industries. This happens mainly because there is something inherent within the industry that is certainly common among many high-tech firms. As such, these companies keep suing one another alluding this to patent violations. The key drive of the industry is technological innovations and every firm in the industry is battling to remain feasible in the industry and outdo its competitors by staying ahead in terms
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Samuel Rutherford - 1678 Words
In 1642 England was starting to seek for changes in the way their government was set up. John Locke and Samuel Rutherford were the leaders of this change, calling for the removal of an absolute monarch. Their works would be opposed by the ideas of Thomas Hobbes, during this eighteen-year civil war in England. The ideas represented in this period would heavily influence the way England’s government would be set up in the eighteenth century. In 1644 Bishop Ross, also known as John Maxwell, published Sacro-Sancta Regum Majestas.The article’s ideas centered on Calvinist resistance theory and the political theory of Spanish neo-scholastics. In response Samuel Rutherford came out with his publication, Lex Rex, which translates to â€Å"Law is King†.†¦show more content†¦Thomas Hobbes was the young contemporary of Jean Bodin, though he had contrasting views than him. He was in support of absolute monarchy as he heavily thought that a king was absolutely necessary to protect the subjects of his land. He, like Locke and Rutherford, wrote many great pieces during his life. The two that relate are Elements of Law Natural and Political and Leviathan, his most major piece. Hobbes’ Elements of Law Natural and Political was a direct product of the intellectual and political conflict going on during the seventeenth century. During the time it was written, Parliament was fighting for power against King Cha rles I. In this writing he claims that society could only function if it is submitted to the governance of an absolute sovereign. His work was accepted with hostility causing him to flee to Paris where he would use this work as the basis to Leviathan. After the execution of Charles I, Hobbes started writing Leviathan. It is composed into four books; â€Å"Of Man†, â€Å"Of Common-wealth†, â€Å"Of a Christian Common-wealth†and â€Å"Of the Kingdome of Darkness†. No differently than Elements of Law Natural and Political, his work was received with hostility as it offended both Loyalists and Parliamentarians. Even the exiled Prince Charles, who Hobbes had tutored, refused to read the document after seeing how the general public reacted to it. The method in Leviathan is modeled after a geometric proof, founded up principles of; each step
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Iliad Essay Example For Students
Iliad Essay Role of Greek Gods In the IlliadWith our view of God, it can sometimes be difficult to comprehendthe actions and thinking of the Greek deities. The Christian God doesnot tend to take such an active role in the affairs of people’s lives,where, on the other hand, the Greeks regarded direct involvement bythe gods as a daily, uncontrollable part of life. Needless to say,divine intervention was a major variable in the equation of Homer’sIliad. The gods picked who they would favour for different reasons. Except Zeus: As the symbol of supreme authority and justice, he makesjudgement calls as to the other gods’ involvement in the war, remainsimpartial, and doesn’t seem to get caught up in picking favourites. Even when his own son, Sarpedon, was about to die, Zeus chose to letthe outcome go unaltered. On the other hand, Zeus’s wife, Hera, displayed the more typicalactions of a god. After Paris, a Trojan, judged Aphrodite the fairestover Hera, and, after her daughter Hebe was replaced as cupbearer tothe gods by a young Trojan boy, she was quite resentful towards Troyand its people. Obviously she sided with the Greeks and would stop atno length to express her will. Scheming and manipulating she evendared to trick her husband, King of the Gods. Hera, along with Athena,who was also passed over by Paris, is seen as the chief divine aid tothe Greeks. Being the god of the sea, Poseidon was another strong supporterof the ocean-faring Greeks. Whenever Zeus turned his back Poseidontried to help the Greeks in the fight. Poseidon felt that he wassomewhat Zeus’s equal as his brother, but recognizing Zeus’s authorityand experience, he looked to Zeus as an elder. There were also Gods who favoured the Trojan side of theconflict. Both Apollo and Artemis, twin brother and sister, gave aidto the city of Troy. Although Artemis takes a rather minor role,Apollo, perhaps angered by Agamemmnon’s refusal to ransom Khryseis,the daughter of one of his priests and was constantly changing thecourse of the war in favour of the Trojans. Responsible for sendingplague to the Greeks, Apollo was the first god to make an appearancein the Iliad. Also, mainly because Apollo and Artemis were on theTrojan side, their mother, Leto, also helped the Trojans. Aphrodite, obviously supporting Paris’s judgement, sided with theTrojans. Although she was insignificant on the battlefield, Aphroditewas successful in convincing Ares, her lover and the god of war, tohelp the Trojans. One view of the gods’ seemingly constant intervention in the warwas that they were just setting fate back on the right course. Forinstance, when Patroklos was killed outside of Troy, Apollo felt noguilt for his doings. It had already been decided that Patroklos wouldnot take Troy, he should never have disobeyed Achilles in the firstplace. As a god, he was just setting fate on a straight line. Achilleslaid blame on Hektor and the Trojans. He did not even consideraccusing Apollo, who never came into question, although he wasprimarily responsible for the kill. Apollo’s part in the matter wasmerely accepted as a natural disaster or illness would be today. This general acceptance of a god’s will is a recurring trendthroughout the poem. A prime example of this trend is in book XXIV. Achilles, angry over the death of Patroklos brutally disgracedHektor’s body. Tethering Hektor’s corpse through the ankles, Achillesdragged him around Patroklos’s tomb every day for twelve days. .uc80833be0833cf94a1b08e2d6598143a , .uc80833be0833cf94a1b08e2d6598143a .postImageUrl , .uc80833be0833cf94a1b08e2d6598143a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc80833be0833cf94a1b08e2d6598143a , .uc80833be0833cf94a1b08e2d6598143a:hover , .uc80833be0833cf94a1b08e2d6598143a:visited , .uc80833be0833cf94a1b08e2d6598143a:active { border:0!important; } .uc80833be0833cf94a1b08e2d6598143a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc80833be0833cf94a1b08e2d6598143a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc80833be0833cf94a1b08e2d6598143a:active , .uc80833be0833cf94a1b08e2d6598143a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc80833be0833cf94a1b08e2d6598143a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc80833be0833cf94a1b08e2d6598143a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc80833be0833cf94a1b08e2d6598143a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc80833be0833cf94a1b08e2d6598143a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc80833be0833cf94a1b08e2d6598143a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc80833be0833cf94a1b08e2d6598143a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc80833be0833cf94a1b08e2d6598143a .uc80833be0833cf94a1b08e2d6598143a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc80833be0833cf94a1b08e2d6598143a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Antigone: A Tragic Hero EssayThis barbaric treatment was uncalled for and displeased the godsgreatly. Achilles mother, Thetis, was sent by Zeus to tell him toransom the body back to the Trojans. One may think Achilles would bepossessive of the body and attempt to put up a fuss as he did beforewith Agamemmnon in Book I. But, Achilles showed humility and respectfor the gods and immediately agreed to ransom the body to the Trojans,showing that all mortals, even god-like Achilles, were answerable tothe gods. This ideology would seem to give the gods a sort of unlimitedfreedom on earth, although, the gods could not always do as theypleased and eventually had to come before Zeus . Zeus acted as abalance of sorts throughout the Iliad. He had to keep the gods inorder and make sure that what fate decreed would happen. For example,after Achilles re-enters the battle Zeus declared that if Achilles wasallowed to go on slaughtering the Trojans with nothing to slow himdown, he would take Troy before fate said it would happen. Therefore,to counter Achilles massive retaliation against the Trojans, Zeusallowed the gods to go back to the battle field. In Zeus’s own interests, he preferred to deal with issues morepersonal to the individual heros of the Iliad. This can be seenthroughout the book as Zeus attempted to increase the honour ofcertain individuals. Zeus knew that Hektor was going to be killed byAchilles, and, feeling sorry for Hektor Zeus attempted to allow Hektorto die an honourable death. For instance, when Hektor strippedAchilles armour off Patroklos, Zeus helped Hektor â€Å"fill out†thearmour so he would not seem like less of a man then Achilles. Zeusalso gave his word to Thetis that Achilles would gain much gloryshowing his involvement on a personal level. Homer used the gods and their actions to establish twists on theplot of the war. It would not have been possible for him to write thestory without the divine interventions of the gods. Indeed, theyaffected every aspect the poem in some way, shape or form. Yet, fromthe immortal perspective of the Greek god, the Trojan war, andeverything related to it, was only a passing adventure in the greatexpanse of time.
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